Chapter 21: Aftermath

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It was all going downhill from there, the massive Colosseum's antigravity supports had been blown to smithereens. Now nothing prevented the titanic monument from the foreboding effects of gravity.

Blake and Adam hurried back to the arena. The former holding the unconscious body of Velvet. Weiss and a few White Fang members were all that was left. The Joker's henchmen had largely retreated to escape shuttles, save for a few that intercepted them and attempted to shoot. Only to he cut into pieces.

Weiss: "Come on!"

Waved the heiress, the Bullhead had been only slightly damaged during the heavy firefight.

Adam: "This place is collapsing! Get us out of here!

Adam called to the pilot as he pulled off his gas mask, who wasted no time in lifting and getting off of the falling arena.

Adam: "So, where do we drop you off?..."

Asked Adam. Blake and Weiss looked at each other. The latter shook her head slowly.

Weiss: "We can't go back to Ozpin... We failed..."

She depressingly said, looking towards the Amity Colosseum. Which finally made contact with the helpless city below. Blake in turn sighed heavily, leaning against the interior hull.

Blake: "We even failed to save Yang..."

Adam looked to his few remaining subordinates, less than half a dozen at this point. Then back to Blake and the heiress.

Adam: "Yes, yes you did..."

Blake: "You don't have to rub it in our faces like that, we know what happened."

Blake said tiredly.

Adam then gestured to Velvet's still unconscious body. Though, still restrained should she suddenly wake up.

Adam: "Because of what we did, we were able to save a life. A faunus' life at that. That... that counts for something."

Weiss nodded a little, Blake was a little bit more skeptical of Adam's shift. But was willing to go along with it. After all, they had nothing much else.

Weiss: "After that stunt, Ozpin and most importantly my father will have definitely disowned me."

Weiss sarcastically stated.

Adam: "My men say you fought valiantly to protect them."

Adam replied, nodding a little towards the heiress as a form of approval.

Weiss: "I did my best, lots still died."

She regrettably said.

Adam: "I guess you two can stay with us for a while, a camp isn't much compared to your academy. But it's better than nothing. Besides after that, Ironwood also won't be happy. he and the old man will definitely call for a manhunt after the rubble is cleared. We will all do what we've always done best... endure."

Adam ended his short speech with a clench of his fist. Normally, in front of a crowd of followers. The ending line would have absolutely driven a roar of approval and applause. Now, in front of two huntresses and tiny handful of soldiers. It seemed almost lesser than a fever dream.

Blake: "It's a good speech Adam. You were always good at those. But... I think we all know the reality of the situation. Hundreds are possibly dead, because of us..."

- Meanwhile -

Ozpin stood atop his tower, periodically glancing at the ruined city outside. He couldn't believe his eyes. The raging infernos brought forth smoke that billowed for miles in the sky for all to see. A taller monument than even Beacon Academy.

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