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Win's POV

It was a beautiful spring day, the shade of trees and warm sun on my face felt refreshing as I walked home after lectures. The days haven't been as relaxed, it just felt perfect after a storm. I stopped by the coffee shop around the corner as usual and waited for my order. 

My coffee came and I heard someone from behind "Still prefer coffee at the same place?" I turned around and saw Team standing in a navy blue button-down shirt and beige trousers. He looked radiant. 

I let out a short laugh "Hey" and we stood in silence.

"How are you?", Team asked with a smile.

"I am an assistant Professor now and students fear me. Could not be any great", I answered. Team laughed.

"How are you? How is the marriage?", I asked last part picking up all the courage I had in me.

"I am fine", Team stood with his hands in pockets "And divorced", he answered with a soft smile.

I did not know what to say so I just ordered a coffee for him and we moved to a small bench. 

"I am sorry Team, but how did it all end so early?", I asked.

"A year of the marriage and she didn't feel any sparks and one day I received the papers", Team replied.

"You didn't fight for the marriage?", I asked curiously. 

"There was nothing to fight for Hia, she was not wrong. We married because of our families but later there were tensions between the families' business ties and nobody opposed the divorce either", Team answered.


"What brings you here?", I asked.

"Springs in Bangkok are cheerful and I had some business meetings to attend", Team replied.

"Ah! Okay", I muttered. I felt a fool thinking he came to see me.

"But that's all an excuse", Team spoke with a laugh. "I wanted to see you".

He looked at me with a smile and his hair blowing with the breeze. "Why would you want to see me?", I asked Team. 

"Can't I?", Team asked as he inched closer to me.

"Well whatever you want to do is your wish", I replied getting off the bench and threw the disposable coffee cup in the garbage. Team followed my actions and we started walking. "I am headed home, come with me?", I asked.

"Sure, I want to see the Professor's home", Team answered with a big smile on his face and hands in his pockets. 

We reached my home and I walked past the garden to unlock the door. Team was still looking around in the garden. "Wow! You got yourself a beautiful home, just like how we always discussed our home would be", Team said. We both stopped dead in our tracks for a while before I opened the door.

"I am sorry, Hia", Team said apologetically

"It's okay Team, we have moved on. Nothing to be sorry", I replied

"Have you really moved on? The garden and even the colour of the walls of your home are my choices from past", Team questioned

I turn around and face Team. "Yes Team, I have really moved on", I answered with a smile but the tears glistened my eyes. 

Team suddenly pulled me in a kiss. I wanted to resist but my actions were not in my control and I kissed back. I missed this. I soon came to my senses and pulled back

"Team, No! we can't do this. We would end up hurting ourselves again", I said weakly, tears choking my throat

"Hia!", Team cupped my face 

"I am sorry for everything I did but there is nobody I want in my life other than you", Team cried as he knelt on the ground. 

"Team", I muttered as I ran my hands through his hair and hug him closer. 

I lean to kiss Team, our lips moved in slow synchronization. His lips were soft and tasted of tears. I pulled back and asked "Will your dad not create trouble for you if he knows you are with me? I don't want anything bad happening to you. I am concerned for you Team".

"What if he kicks you out of business? You can't lose it all because of me?"

"I am already out of business", Team replied

"What?", I asked surprised

"Well, for the past few weeks I had been thinking that you had a permanent job and get paid handsomely", Team said

"Okay". I raised my eyebrow at him wondering where he was going with that

"So I stood up against dad, left the business and home. Now, all I have is you". Team finished

"You left home?" I jumped

"How can you leave home and your family behind. Your dad is mean to you but what about your mum and brother?", I asked Team

"I talked to mom and brother and they supported me. My brother will be handling business affairs so I can expect a little peaceful life for us", Team said in a small voice "So will you let me live with you? Otherwise, I have nowhere to go"

"Yes, you could live with me". I chuckled "Now, go get showered and I will cook us lunch"

Team walked up the stairs to go to the washroom and I still could not believe he was suffering along with me. He was midstairs when I called him 


"Hmm?" he looked back at me

"I am sorry that a part of me hated you when all you did was love me. I love you".

"I love you too and I am apologetic for whatever you suffered through because of me and my father", Team said. 

"You never have to be afraid again, neither for yourself nor for me. I will protect you, I will take care of you always. I promise. 

Team smiled "I know Hia, I just realised it too late" and with that, he skipped to the shower. 

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