Spanked by the Professor

515 19 7

Team's POV

"What are you doing?" Team asked as he flipped on his stomach on the bed and Win sat across him on the study table

"Grading papers"

"First-year Geography?"


"Throw me some questions"

"Which is the driest continent on Earth?"

"hmm... leave it. How long is it going to be until you finish?", Win laughed and answered, "Probably about an hour and a half"

"That's too long, do you have to finish it tonight itself?" Team walked to Win and cupped Win's face pulling him in a kiss 

"Let me finish work, Team"

Team moved behind Win and rubbed his thumb in circles on Win's neck and placed kisses on Win's ear and neck, lightly biting Win's shoulder. 

"Team...I need to finish my work"


Team continued kissing Win despite the weak protests causing Win to moan, Team enjoyed the effect he had on his boyfriend. Win got off the chair and pulled Team in a kiss as they moved to the bed. Win lied on top of Team kissing him deeply while Team's fingers fastened on Win's shirt pulling it off him. The clothes flew across the room and the tongues battled until they were a hot moaning mess. Win slid his fingers under the waistband of Team's underwear slowly pulling it down leaving light feathery kisses on his stomach and waist, Team moaned as Win moved down on him and grabbed him in his hand. 

"hia.... hia faster" Win followed Team's wish and pumped his shaft faster and gradually taking him into his mouth. Team's hands occasionally grabbed Win's hair or the bedsheet, he could not take the slow teasing anymore. "hia, let me come" Team looked into Win's eyes with lust and innocence all at the same time. Win pulled Team out of his mouth and grabbed the lube off the nightstand and squirted on his hands. He pulled Team closer by his legs and kissed him softly while rubbing the lube on Team's opening. Win slowly inserted his thumb inside Team, he groaned at the insertion but slowly relaxed into the kiss and allowed Win's fingers inside him. Win sucked on Team's neck and shoulder leaving marks, Win put on the condom and slowly inserted himself inside Team and kissed his jaw and shoulders whilst Team's nails dug into Win's back. 

Win slowly moved inside Team whilst one of his hands massaged Team's waist and another snaked under Team's head pulling him into another kiss. Both bodies were covered in sweat and lust, Win pushed deeper and hit Team's prostrate eliciting a deep guttural moan. Win was always gentle in bed but Team wanted more, he wanted passionate rough sex with Win 

Team tugged at Win's hair lightly and pulled him close to his face and roughly kissed him. "I won't break hia, I want you to go harder"

Win slowed and pulled out of Team "You know that's not safe, you remember what happened years ago"

"We were young hia, it's not the same anymore. We can take safety precautions to avoid it" Team kissed Win's jaw and rubbed his nipples

"Team you bled and were sore for days, I can't do that to you again" Win pulled away 

Team got on fours and trailed his fingers to his opening "We have lube, I am stretched and I don't think we would hurt ourselves" Team inserted his fingers inside him

"Team... stop"

"Tell me hia, doesn't this arouse you?" Team inserted two fingers inside and scissored his opening. Win groaned and yet again asked Team to stop. It was painfully hard for him to see Team with his back arched and fingering himself, he looked hot and Win wanted to eat him right away 

"Come on hia, don't make me wait anymore" Win tried to convince Team not to do it but he was cut short

"Maybe I chose the wrong boyfriend, I think I should say yes to your colleague Lan. Win growled and pulled Team's back closer to him and suddenly thrust deeply into Team, Team threw his head behind as he felt pleasure surge through his entire body. 

"Baby, don't tease me again with something like that", WIn growled in Team's ears

Win went faster and deeper and bit on Team's shoulder, Win pulled out of Team and slowly thrust again and moved faster, he denied Team his release. 

"h-hi-hia, don't... tease" Team squirmed and groaned as Win pull out of him again

"hia.. stop teasing and fuck me like a man", Team shouted and soon felt a stinging slap on his buttock as Win thrust inside him and fucked him faster and harder. Team slouched on the bed grabbing the sheets, his mind was blank from the pleasure, he squirmed and tried matching his rhythm with Win's and received another slap on the same buttcheek. Team buried his face in the pillow as his legs trembled. His legs almost gave out and he soon came. Win thrust a few more times and soon found his release. He slowly pulled out of Team and lay beside him. 

Team's face was still buried in the pillow, Win ran his fingers through Team's hair "Team, are you okay, are you hurt anywhere?", asked with a concerned voice. Team slightly moved his head to the side and had a soft smile on his face "That was hot" Win chuckled and kissed his forehead before getting off the bed and getting himself cleaned. 

"Let's take a shower", Win said as he pulled Team up from the bed, Team's legs wobbled and Win supported him "Lie down for some time"

"I am fine hia, let's take a shower" Team smiled

Win carried Team in his arms and they cleaned themselves and Win examined Team's body for any injuries 

"Hia, I am fine. It's embarrassing" Team kissed Win. 

Win wrapped them both in the bathrobe and sat Team on the chair while he changed the sheets. He helped Team get dressed and helped him get on the bed. Team lay on his stomach as he waited for Win to join him in the bed

"I don't think I am forgetting this night for long", Win said as he slid next to Team pulling him into his arms

"I definitely am not forgetting it for days", Team said as he pulled down his boxers a little lower to reveal the red mark on his bottom 

"I am sorry, baby but you deserved that", Win apologized and kissed Team's forehead 

"Well, it was hot being spanked by the Professor" their laughter echoed the room and they drifted to sleep in each other's arms. 

A/N: Let me know in the comments 'Which is the driest continent on Earth'? Good day everyone! Hope you like the chapter.

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