Engaged -I

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Team's POV

I sat on the kitchen stool leaning on the countertop as I watched Win cook lunch for us. He was wearing his hair down and I could see the bits of wings tattoo from his vest, the silver on his ear made him look fierce. He was concentrated on cooking and his hands moved quickly and skillfully. 

Don't I have a handsome boyfriend?!

"Team, will you taste it?", he asked as he brought a spoonful of curry to my mouth

And sweet!

"Hmm, it's good"

"Yeah?", I nodded to his question and he went back to cooking

He is a good cook too

"And we wait until the food is ready", Hia said as he closed to me and with a swift move he picked me up in his arms.

"Hia!" I held onto his neck as we moved to the living room. A swift kiss and a peck made me giggle. And romantic. Man, do I have the best boyfriend or what?!

"What's got into you today?",  I asked as he sat down on the lounger with me on his lap

"I am happy we get to spend the entire day together", hia replied as he wrapped his arm around me

"Yeah! so what would we be doing?" I leaned onto him and played with his fingers. He told me about his plan and soon I was in my thoughts, not hearing a word. I watched him talk, occasionally pushing back the hair falling on his eyes. His chiselled jaw, the glasses make him look so hot. Do his students even pay attention to his lectures? I can imagine undressing him mentally if I were one of his students.

Oh! Woah! Would any of his student fantasize about him as I do? Well, I am the only one who can have him. I mentally grinned. What if someone makes a move on him?  I do not like the thought

"Are you even listening?", hia laughed as he waved one of his hands before my eyes and his other hand on my head. I grabbed his vest and crashed my lips onto his. I place my hand on his cheek as I adjust myself to my side and slowly pull myself from the kiss and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I love you"

"Love ya back", he kissed my forehead

"So what do you say about the plan?"

"Onboard", I replied trusting his picks. The microwave timer rang and we settled for lunch. 

I listened, rather watched him as talked about work and other stuff and the only thing that running through my mind was Why has he not asked me to marry yet? Is it too early to be engaged? We have been together for months and he also met my mother and brother the last time they visited. They like him. 

Huh! Why have I not met his parents yet?

"We leave for the movie in about an hour and a half?" the question pulled me out of my trance 

"Yeah, sure"

"You okay? You have been zoning out"

"You look really charming today. I think it's the sexy professor vibe", I winked 

"I am just an assistant professor and you have got some fetish with professor thing I guess", hia laughed as he set the dishes

"It's not a fetish. My boyfriend is sexy and smart and I love it"

"Alright, get some rest and will go to the movie later", hia drove me out of the kitchen and I decided to nap before the movie. 

A/N: I want to continue writing but I am too sleepy to be awake now. Will update the second part later today. Enjoy!



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