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Team walked to the kitchen in his bathrobe and hugged Win from behind resting his chin on Win's shoulder. 

"Aren't you a good cook, Professor?", Team said as he placed a kiss on Win's neck. 

"Oi, I am cooking", Win replied, "Why don't you sit until I bring you the food". 

"Hmm" Team continued kissing Win's neck eliciting a moan from Win. 

"Stop it, Team", Win said in between his rasped breathing. Team continued kissing Win's shoulder to neck and his jawline. He slowly slipped his hands under Win's shirt and held his waist moving his thumbs in a pattern on Win's back. 

Win trembled under Team's touch and threw his head on Team's shoulder, his breathing became raspier and he wanted more. Win turned around and kissed Team full on his mouth, as they moved till Team hit the edge of the table. Win picked Team and sat on the table as he removed his bathrobe and threw it across the room. He could see Team was fully erect pressed against his hip. Team shied but Win cupped Team's face and continued kissing him as his hands ran from his waist to Team's nipples. He rubbed Team's nipples with his thumbs before pinching them. Team moaned, he longed for Win's touch for so long and this felt heavenly. Team grabbed on Win's shirt and unbuttoned as fast as he could. 

"Let's go to the bedroom", Win whispered into Team's ears

 Team nodded and wrapped his legs around Win as he was picked up and they moved across the hall to the bedroom as their lips devoured each other. Team managed to throw off Win's shirt off of him as they waltzed to the bedroom. Win gently put Team on the bed and climbed on top of him. Team tried to cover his hard-on but was spread open and engulfed by Win's big hands. Win rubbed Team's cock slowly and ran his thumb over the head of his cock as he moved closer to kiss Team. He captured Team's lips in a slow kiss while pumping his cock and his other hand in Team's hair. 

"uh.. h-hia!" Team moaned. Win increased pace of his hands on Team's erection as he licked on his nipples. Team's hands grabbed on Win's hair as he neared his climax. "hia, stop! stop! I-I am uh-uh I am going to cum, hia", Team spoke through moans. Team bucked his hips and came onto Win's hand. Win kissed Team and in a jiffy Team sat straight and looked around until he found a box of tissue. He started wiping Win's hands. 

"Relax Team", Win chuckled

Team kissed Win flipping him down and getting on top of him. He kissed Win's jaw and nibbled on his neck leaving a hickey as he unzipped his trousers. "Slow down, Team"

Team continued kissing hungrily and his hands worked fast on the zip and suddenly a scream filled the room

"Ow!", Win screamed and Team backed. He realised what he did, the zip got stuck into Win's flesh. Win writhed and screamed in pain as Team flapped his hands around not understanding what to do

"I am sorry hia, I am so sorry", Team apologized, "What do I do? Shall I call the hospital?", Team panicked

"Slow down, give me some time", Win exclaimed through pain

Win managed to get himself unstuck and there was some blood on him. Team's eyes brimmed with tears but he was surprised to hear Win suddenly laughing. 

"Why are you laughing Hia?" Team said through tears

"I love you", Win said. "My life has really not been this lively since you were gone". He continued laughing

"Let's get you cleaned and treated", Team said as he helped Win walk to the bathroom. 

After treating Win's wounds, Team changed the sheets and lay Win on the bed

"Are you sure you don't want to visit the doctor?", Team asked

"Yes, I am fine. Come here" Win opened his arms for Team. Team snuggled to Win's arms maintaining a safe distance from Win's hurt region. 

Win kissed Team's hair "I guess I can't finish cooking lunch now"

"I will order something for us", Team replied, "I am sorry hia, I didn't want to hurt you, I just got carried away by my lust, I am sorry" Team kissed Win. 

"It's okay, it hurts but I don't mind it. I just love this, being with you", Win wrapped his hands tighter around Team "and I guess I can't do much for sometimes, might even take leave from work". 

Team pecked Win and covered him before placing an order for the food. 

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