Late Soccer Night

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Win got home early and decided to get some sleep before Team returned from work. Whilst he adored his sweet and adorable boyfriend but for the last week, he barely got any sleep. It was a soccer tournament and Team would watch it till late at night. Although, he would try to keep his voice low but would scream now and then waking Win up. He was a light sleeper and even the slightest of noise kept him up. Finally, he found an opportunity for a good nap

Win showered and changed into comfortable clothes before getting into the bed

"Ah! The sweet silence" Win exclaimed and it was not long before he slumbered. 


Win woke up a few hours later and it was dark already, it felt like he had slept just minutes ago. He felt relaxed and as he took in his surrounding, he saw Team sprawled next to him. He turned to his side and watched the fluff ball lying next to him. He rubbed the younger one's head and got out of the bed. 


Team woke up feeling hungry and noticed Win missing. He stepped downstairs and saw Win watching TV with the lights dimmed. He slowly walked down and lay next to his boyfriend.  

"Sleep well?" 


"I will bring food", Win said as he walked to the kitchen

Team immediately got hold of the remote and changed to the sports channel. 

"It's a match before the semi-finale", Team said excitedly

Win rolled his eyes and prepared a bunch of sandwiches for both. He sat next to his boyfriend watching him get all excited about the game and ignoring the food in front of him. He picked up the sandwich and fed Team whose eyes were still glued to the TV as he bit onto the food. 

"Finish up the sandwich, Team", Win said as he wiped the crumbs off his mouth

"It's a dull match tonight", Team slouched on the couch. 

"So call it a night and watch the highlights in the morning", Win suggested

"I am not tired yet", Team leaned onto Win

Win stared at the TV for a while before he moved Team to another side of the couch

"I am going back to sleep", he announced and got up. 

"Stay with me, hia?" Team grabbed Win's hand

Win looked around and saw Team pouting, he wanted to give in to his request but he also wanted to lie in the bed. Also, it had been long since they had been together and even the little cute pout from Team was making him aroused. After giving it much thought, he suddenly pulled Team up and carried him bridal style to their room. 

"Hia put me down", Team yelled as Win carried him upstairs

Win ignored Team yelling all the way up to the bedroom and laid him down placing a soft kiss on his lips. Win's lips slowly moved to Team's jaw and continued to his neck, he sucked on the soft flesh below the collarbone eliciting a moan from his partner. He hurriedly pulled the t-shirt off him and the other boy before showering his skin with kisses. It had been long and both were aroused and going heavy and fast. 

Team rolled over and was on top straddling the blonde beneath him. His chest heaved and his dark hair fell on his face as he consumed Win's face in the dim light. He stroked Win's cheeks with his thumbs and traced his lips as he let his thumb linger. 

Win felt his heart thumping as he watched his boyfriend take control and the slow sensation of Team's thumb on his lips sent a shiver down his spine. Their eyes were locked and after what felt like an eternity, he licked Team's thumb and bit it and Team responded with a shriek and pulled back his hand. Win chuckled at the reaction and tried to roll over only to be stopped by Team. Win could see the lust growing in his boyfriend's eyes and soon Team's lips crashed onto his, the kiss was fierce and greedy. Team traced Win's bottom lips asking for an entrance to which Win obliged, Win moaned as Team's tongue swirled over his and was left writhing in pleasure as Team pulled away. Both the boys were out of breath and dishevelled, unable to utter a single word as they tried catching some air. Team took a moment to watch his older boyfriend breathing hard as he pulled aside his hair and kissed his cheek softly

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