Engaged- II

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"Ugh! That was a slow death", Team whined as he dragged himself out of the theatre. "C'mon, it was not that bad", Win tried to convince Team and maybe himself. 

"Not bad? It was terrible", Team exclaimed

"You picked the movie", Win retorted

"Who knew a zombie movie would go bad." Team sighed "I am going to the washroom, wait for me" Team excused himself while Win waited for him at the lounge. 

Team took his sweet time to shake off his tiredness and when he returned to the lounge, he saw Win with two girls. The girls looked young, they stood close to Win talking and giggling. He noticed that sultry pose and flirtatious look which Win probably was oblivious to or just ignoring the girls. 

"He better not be flirting back", Team thought as he walked to Win. His face was red from anger, maybe a wee bit of jealousy. He stood close to Win and faked a smile at the girls. The girls were a little surprised and looked at Win confusedly. 

"Hello, I am Team. I am with Win", Team chipped in and the girls greeted him back. 

"Team, they are my students. Freshmen. They were in the same auditorium as us."

"Yeah, we saw the Prof and just came over to greet him. That movie trailer was a mislead, wasn't it? one of the girls asked. Her eyes seem to be challenging Team, she did not like the proximity between the two older men. 

"I didn't mind it", Team spoke as he lazily put his hands on Win's waist. Win was confused at Team's changed behaviour and just looked at him questioningly. "Didn't you like it, hia?", he asked with a forced smile on his face. 

The girls looked at each other, it got awkward for all of them there. "We should be heading our way now. We will see you at college, Prof", the girls spoke

Win was about to speak but Team cut him short, "We would love to invite you for a meal with us but I have an evening planned with my fiancee". Team's grip tightened on Win. Win was even more surprised at hearing Team but was slightly amused at his behaviour. 

The girls, on the other hand, gasped in shock "You're engaged? I can't believe it" and a series of other questions were thrown at Win in the next few minutes. 

It took Win time to process everything before he could say anything. He slung his hand around Team and spoke "Team and I got together as college students and I would appreciate it if you did not talk about us with others". The girls nodded affirmatively but Team was not happy to hear Win. 

"I will see you in the class. Get back safe", Win said to the girls before they left. 

He looked at Team who was fuming and questioned, "What?"

"Not talk about us? What are you, ashamed of me?", Team exasperated "Or do you want to see if you could get someone better ahead?"

"Well but are you not my fiancee?", Win humoured

Team was even more annoyed and walked out in anger. Win followed behind. 

Both got to the parking lot, Team waited to get in the car facing away from Win. "Come on, I was just kidding. I just don't want rumours about us. You know how it gets with the students twisting the words". "What got you in such a bad mood?"

Both got inside the car and Team spoke, "Let's go home. I am not in the mood to be anywhere"

"Why? You were in such a good mood the whole day. What went wrong?", Win asked trying to get Team to face him. He held Team's face in his hand and his lips were pouting. He chastely kissed him which seemed to melt Team a little. 

"Were you that oblivious to the girls flirting with you?"

"We were just talking"

"Really? The taller one was practically throwing herself at you"

"I guess I didn't realize cause nobody can steal my gaze as you do", Win smiled

Team blushed and turned his face away "so where are we going next?", Team asked in a low voice. Win laughed and drove to their next destination "You are going to like it"

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