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Win and Team got out of the car. "This is our University. Why did we come here?", Team asked.

"I thought you would like to visit where we started."

"It's a holiday today. The gates would be closed. How would we get inside?", Team questioned.

Win pulled a bunch of keys out of the pockets and dangled them in front of Team. "Your boyfriend's, I mean, fiancee's job comes with some perks". Team slapped Win's chest and rolled his eyes. 

"At least they won't be ogling at you now." 'Hopefully', Team muttered the last part under his breath. 

 Win held and squeezed Team's hand as they walked inside. The hall was still familiar as both walked, reminiscing their shared memories. 

"Why did we come here?", Team asked.

"Do you remember where we first met?"

"Yes, by the open meet area, but I see it has changed a bit. The tree we sat under is still there", Team answered.

"I see it every day, and it feels like yesterday when we first met. All the time you were not with me, this place felt like hell, but now that I have you by my side, it feels like a spring, and I don't want this feeling to end." They stood under the tree. 

Team hugged Win, "You don't know how miserable I was those years. I can never apologise enough to have hurt you." 

WIn hugged back, "Hey! Hey! No, you don't have to apologise for anything." 

Win pulled back and held Team's hand in his, briefly kissing the knuckles. "You left everything to be with me. I was a coward to have stepped back when we hit the low. But I promise that I won't leave you again. Ever!" 

Win pulled out a small box from his pocket revealing two gold wedding bands, "Team, will you marry me?"

Team was overwhelmed and kissed Win passionately, allowing his hands to wander from Win's face to his hair. He had never felt such a rush of emotions before. He had to pull away for a breath, but he could not just stop kissing Win. 

They caught a breath, and Team rested his forehead against Win. His eyes were teary, and a smile beamed on his face. "Yes", Team breathed heavily and closed his eyes, "Yes." He could not stop smiling. Win was ecstatic and pulled Team in for another kiss.

Team still in Win's embrace, softly caressed his face and neck, fidgeting with Win's shirt "so I am your fiancee now, huh?"

Win slowly let go of Team and took his hand in his, slipping the ring onto his finger, "Yes, you are.", and kissed him chastely. Team mirrored Win's action and held onto Win's hand in his for a little longer. He rubbed his thumb over Win's ring and gently rubbed his palm. He cupped Win's face with his other hand and looked at him with soft doe eyes, "I love you", Team whispered. 

"I love you too", Win responded.

Team slowly leaned toward Win, pressing Win's body against the tree and kissed him. The kiss was slow, soft and magical. Team's hand wandered to Win's neck, massaging it and sliding inside Win's shirt. He kissed the corner of Win's mouth and peppered a few more kisses on his jaw as he moved down to his neck. He hurriedly unbuttoned two buttons of Win's shirt and lowered his hand to Win's chest as he sucked on Win's neck. 

Win closed his eyes and groaned as the pleasure surged through his body. Team brushed his nipple with his thumb and continued kissing his neck and shoulder. He then brought his mouth to Win's nipple and flicked it with his tongue. 

"Te..am". Win grabbed Team's hair as he pressed further on the tree. He felt the roughness of the bark against his back, yet it all felt so good. His body ached for more touch as the heat rose to his core. 

Team sucked on Win's nipples as he slid his hands under his shirt, grabbing Win by the waist. He dipped his thumb into Win's trousers, tracing his thumb along the waistband of his underwear before sliding past it. 

Win could no longer hold himself and moaned. His body was sensitive to the roughness of the bark and Team's touch. Team kissed Win on the lips as his hand unbuttoned his trousers and let his hand slide inside Win's underwear. His finger slowly traced Win's member causing him to moan in Team's mouth. Win's legs wobbled slightly, and he felt his back scratch against the bark. Team held him steady by the waist. "You okay?", Team asked in a whisper tone. 

Win's mouth was dry, so he just nodded. He rested his head on Team's shoulder and salivated his mouth before he spoke in a hushed tone, "Team", Win breathed, "not here." Team nodded. 

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