Long Night

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It was Friday night, Team and Win were snuggled inside the blanket watching a mystery movie. Win was completely healed and had two days until he started working. Team rested his shoulder on Win's shoulder with Win's arms wrapped around him. Halfway through the movie, Team was bored and kept moving around to find a comfortable position; he also rummaged through his phone but nothing was interesting. 

He looked up at Win who was completely engrossed in the movie and to gain Win's attention he bit Win's nipple through the shirt, Win shrieked and looked at Team questioningly. Team simply smiled and pulled Win for a kiss. Team's fingers weaved into Win's hair as he deepened the kiss. Both pulled away from each other and Team moved up on the bed and Win on top of him. Win pulled off Team's t-shirt and kissed Team greedily. His hands moved up from Team's waist to neck and played with his nipples as he kissed Team's neck. 

Team moaned and ran his hands on Win's back managing to pull off his t-shirt. Team flipped Win and pinned him to the bed and kissed his lips shortly and then kissing Win's neck and shoulder and slowly moving down kissing his nipples. Win's breathing increased and he grabbed on Team's hair a little roughly. Team kissed his way down and pulled down Win's boxer exposing a full hard-on. He grabbed Win's erect shaft and licked it to the top and swirled his tongue over the slit making Win tremble with pleasure. Win panted as Team teased him a little longer before putting him inside his mouth. Win grabbed the sheets as pleasure surged through his body, Team bobbed his head at an uneven pace, he slowed down when he felt Win nearing his climax, denying him the release. Win was frustrated and begged Team 

"T-team, don't ... tease", Win breathed out. 

Team pulled Win out of his mouth and slowly pumped his shaft. "I don't want you to come yet", Team whispered as he pulled himself closer to Win. Team slowly moved his fingers to Win's butthole "Can I? I don't want you to hurt yourself", Team whispered and bit his earlobe. 

Win's cheeks were red from embarrassment and he kissed Team to confirm his answer. Team smiled and grabbed some lube and condoms from the drawer and put the condoms on Win and himself. He squirted lube on his hand and lifted Win's legs before rubbing the lube on Win's butthole. Team rimmed him slowly with his finger before entering one of his fingers inside Win. Team felt Win tightened against his fingers and there was discomfort evident on Win's face. 

Team pulled out his finger and spread some more lube on Win and put his hands on Win's waist running his thumb in circles. "Hia, relax". Win nodded and Team again tried pushing his finger inside Win and it slipped in easily. Win had not been with anyone after separating from Team and the touch was driving him crazy. He had forgotten what it felt like to be touched and loved. 

Team moved his finger inside Win and grabbed Win's shaft with his other hand. Once he felt Win relaxed enough he inserted another finger while pumping his shaft. Team had realised that Win had not been with anyone in a long time and he needed to be gentle so he doesn't hurt him. Team poured more lube and scissored his fingers, Win's eyes were closed and his breathing was fast while he moaned Team's name which made Team smile wider. He wrapped Win's legs around him and bent to kiss him "I love you". 

Win cupped Team's face and kissed him hard "I love you too", Win answered

"We can stop if it hurts", Team said with concern on his face. Win shook his head no. "Are you sure?", Team asked again. Win nodded and pecked Team. 

Team lubricated himself and Win both before entering him. Win flinched when Team entered him and it broke Team's heart to see him in pain, he bent to kiss Win as he slowly entered him. He had one hand under Win's legs and his other hand moved to Win's shaft. That managed to calm Win and he felt the heat rising to his cheeks and pleasure in his entire body. 

Win wrapped his hands around Team and scratched his back as he felt Team completely inside him. Team winced slightly as he felt the nails dug into his back. Team kissed Win's jaw and moved to his neck leaving hickeys as he picked up the pace, Win was a moaning mess under Team. His hair fell on his face as Team moved them aside and kissed his forehead. 

"Team uh, ha, faster... please".

Team placed one of his hands under Win's head and his other hand under his waist gently kissing him all over his face as he increased his pace. Win wrapped his legs tightly around Team and grabbed on his shoulder and occasionally grabbed on the sheets. The moans and rasped breathing filled the room. 

"I am", Win gasped for breath "I am...I am going t..o...cum, Team".

Team kissed Win's temple "Me too"

Team alternated between slow and deep thrust and fast pace until both reach their climax and got their release. Team lied in Win's arms as they came off their high and were completely breathless. 

"That... was amazing". Win chuckled. 

Team pecked Win "You're amazing". Team cleaned both of them and both snuggled to a peaceful sleep. 

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