Like Teens

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They hurried to the closest room, and as soon as they were behind closed doors, Team shimmied the trousers off Win and captured his lips with his. He smiled, combed Win's dishevelled hair behind with his finger, and kissed him briefly as he let his hands wander.

He mischievously cupped Win's member through the boxer. "Aren't you hard for me?", Team whispered. 

He slid the underwear off Win and sat Win on the desk, just with his shirt on, while Team was fully clothed and stood between Win's legs.

Win wrapped his legs around Team, pulling him closer and pulled off Team's shirt as he kissed his torso. Team grabbed Win's member and stroked it at an erratic pace sending him to an edge. 

"Hia, we don't have lube."

Win brought Team's fingers to his mouth and sucked on them whilst Team's gaze fixed on Win. It was almost dusk, and the light entering through the translucent window illuminated Win's body. In his white linen shirt and with his lustful gaze, he looked like a fallen angel that Team wanted to devour. Soon!

Team nudged his knee against Win's hardon and parted his legs, placing one of them on his shoulder. He pulled his fingers off Win's mouth and rubbed his wet fingers from the base of Win's member to his opening, rimming him with his finger. He slowly pushed one of his fingers inside Win, whose breath hitched as he felt the sensation of a finger pushing inside him. 

Team pushed his finger inside Win up to his knuckle and gradually increased the pace of his fingers. He added another finger and felt Win's inside pulsing around his finger. He leaned ahead, lightly kissing Win's jaw as he wrapped his other hand around Win's member. The older boy was out of breath and was lost in the sensation. His member and insides both were pulsating. It was a surreal erotic atmosphere in the room, and Team could not get enough of watching his fiancee with his head thrown behind, legs in the air and his body trembling beneath him as both savoured the feeling. 

Win let out a guttural moan as a third finger penetrated him and grabbed onto Team's shoulder to prevent him from falling. Team let go of his hand off Win's member and wrapped it around his waist to hold him steady as he curled his finger, hitting Win's prostate, who lost control of his senses and leaned on Team, resting his head on Team's shoulder and putting his hand around Team. He breathed rapidly and felt like losing it any minute if he did not find his release. 

Team abruptly withdrew his fingers making Win whimper, "Team, please don't tease me. Let me cum."

Team moved close to Win, their foreheads touching, and their rasped breathing fogged the clarity, or maybe it was the heightened arousal that both wanted to satiate but before that Team wanted to tease Win. He pushed two of his fingers inside Win and kissed his neck eagerly. He increased the pace of his fingers that almost sent Win to the edge but withdrew them again. 

"Team.. please", Win whimpered with glistening eyes, which aroused Team beyond words. He pushed his fingers in, and whispered, "Do you know how hot you look right now? Sprawled on the desk where your student sits, begging for my fingers inside you." Win could not have been more embarrassed. "Look how you are trembling with just my fingers inside you."

Win's face flushed hearing those words, and he hid his face in Team's shirt. "Please", he begged as he grabbed Team's shirt in his fist. "Don't...tease me", Win said so softly that it felt like he would cry any minute.  

Team removed his fingers off Win, pulled Win's face off his shirt, and saw the sign of embarrassment, pleasure, pain and hooded eyes. Team was ashamed to say it aloud, but he found Win to be the most beautiful at that moment. 

He felt Win's fingers on his trousers as he fiddled with the button. Team took his cue and undressed in a jiffy. He lay Win down on the desk, pulled him to the edge of the table, and placed both of Win's legs on his shoulder. 

Team rubbed his member along the crack of his butt before lining it at his opening. Win groaned as he felt Team push in him. He felt his hole opening to accommodate Team, felt the pressure as the cock slid inside him. He felt the cock hit his hilt, and his breath shortened. He covered his face, trying to get used to the feeling inside him. He had never felt so sensitive before when Team entered him, but this time, it was different. He felt different. He felt loved and cheesy. Ha! Win snickered internally. 

Team rubbed Win's thighs as he moved slowly and saw Win peeking from underneath his arm, and Team chuckled. He pushed Win's legs against his chest, giving him better leverage to penetrate. Win put his hands under his thighs and held his legs in place while Team moved at an intense pace. 

Team help one of Win's legs and let his other hand wander on his face. He circled his thumb on Win's cheek and traced his lips. He stopped for a bit before pushing his thumb past Win's lips, who sucked on it for some time before Team moved his hand to Win's neck and his nipples. 

Team lightly pinched Win's nipples, the same time Team's cock found Win's spot. Win moaned loudly, arching his back, letting the electric shivers pass from his groin to his entire body. Team increased his pace as he wanted his release too. He could not endure the heat and the pain in his core, and just wanted to cum with his partner. 

He pulled Win in his embrace and thrust harder and deeper, his strokes were slower but enough to drive Win crazy. He picked his pace again and alternated until both came. They both were giddy and slouched on the ground. 

Win chuckled slightly, which made Team look at him questioningly, "What?"

"We snuck like teens who could not keep it in their pants", Win answered. 

Team pushed Win's hair and kissed his forehead. Team pulled away and said, "Can you look at your student without remembering what we did here?" Team was enjoying this. Win's facial expression changed, he hit Team's chest, and sat up hurriedly, trying to get his clothes on. Team lay there laughing. 

They both finally walked out of the room, it was almost dark. "I had a great day", Team spoke as he glanced at his ring again, "with my fiancee."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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