[chapter three - clarke]

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I had my reservations about hanging out with Octavia, but by the time she's fed us, played three games of scrabble and managed to get us all (not including Bellamy) singing Christmas songs while Lincoln played the piano... I'm starting to like the idea of having a real friend group. 

Not that I was ever against friends - it's just so... strange. Mostly because Bellamy keeps giving me funny looks whenever I say something. I knew it would be a bad idea to bring up Rosewood - no one ever looks at me the same after that. I mean, eventually they do, but not for a good twenty-four hours when they realize I'm just as average as anyone else. 

Though I suppose someone as popular as Bellamy Blake is supposed to hate the elite private school transfer student. It's almost poetic. 

Then there's the whole calling me Princess thing. I know he thinks I didn't hear, but I did. And I don't think I'm okay with it in the slightest. Finn used to call me that, though that was because my mom accidentally bought me a princess card for my birthday and Finn was there to witness the whole thing. I know Bellamy is saying it because of Rosewood, or something along those lines. 

Still. It feels... strange. 

"This has been so much fun," Raven says, practically dragging Octavia away from the piano. "But I need to get home for dinner. Thank you again for letting us do the dinner thing here, Octavia."

"I'm excited," Octavia says happily. "Bellamy can drive you home," she adds. I see Bellamy sigh. 

"That'd be great," Raven says, clearly not noticing his unhappy attitude towards the idea. 

"Or, you know, we could just take a taxi," I jump in. Raven shoots me a 'you okay?' glance, and I motion for her to look over at Bellamy. But he's managed to compose his face, and Raven just raises an eyebrow at me. 

"No, he's happy to drive you," Octavia says, glaring at her brother until he forces a smile onto his face. 

"I'll meet you out front," he says stiffly. 

"Thank you guys for coming," Octavia says. "See you tomorrow!"

She follows us to the door and waves until the elevator doors close. 

The awkwardness starts as soon as Octavia is hidden by the thick metal - Bellamy stands so close to the elevator wall I wonder if he might fall through. Raven seems completely oblivious, humming a song I don't recognize. 

"Maybe I'll bring a date to the dinner after all," Raven says thoughtfully, and I can almost picture exactly what must be going through her head right now. Finn isn't a good person, and yet somehow he still thinks he deserves to take whatever (and whoever) he wants. Seeming unavailable might just be a way out for Raven. "There was a cute guy in my biology class, maybe I'll ask him. You should bring someone too, Clarke," Raven says seriously. I sigh. Of course she has to start this again. Every time she starts thinking about relationships, I have to think about them too. "Maybe you could get Murphy to-"

"No way," Bellamy says sharply. "You don't want to get involved with him."

"Well he's lucky to have a friend like you," Raven says sarcastically, making a weird face at me. "Fine, you can go on your own. But I'm bringing cute biology boy."

"Does cute biology boy have a name?" I ask, stepping through the now opened elevator doors. 

"Probably," Raven says, frowning. "I'll check the class list when I get home."

"Could you walk any slower?" Bellamy asks, crossing his arms. Raven makes a point of slowing down, and I follow her lead. What's wrong with this guy? He seriously seems to think he's way more important than the rest of us. 

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