[chapter eight - bellamy]

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I didn't have a real reason for storming out on my sister and her friends - other than not wanting to be stuck watching some stupid sappy movie for the rest of my night. 

Okay, maybe I was a little pissed with Finn for... generally being a jerk, but in reality, I just wanted to hang out with someone I actually liked. 

"Murphy? You home?" Okay, maybe 'like' is a strong word choice. 

"Yeah, come in," Murphy yells from inside. I open the door, which Murphy never seems capable of locking. I can think of a couple reasons why, all of which I would rather not think about. "What brings you to my humble home?"

"I needed out of my house," I say, closing the door behind me and kicking off my shoes. 

"Wasn't tonight that dumb dinner thing your kid sister planned?" 

"Yeah," I reply. 

Murphy's place isn't bad - his parents are rarely home, always travelling for some business conference or something like that. It's probably better for them, since Murphy has a different girl in his house basically every week. 

Sure enough, I find him in the living room with a dark haired girl on her phone. 

"Bellamy, this is Emori," Murphy says. I wave slightly. I'll make a note of her name is she lasts more than a week. My friend Miller and I used to put bets on whether Murphy's girls would stick around, until I kept winning and Miller called off the game. "So did the dinner get too much for you, then?"

"Something like that," I mutter. 

"Weren't those two new girls there?"

"Raven and Clarke?"

"Yeah, them."

"Clarke sits beside me in English," Emori comments. I guess her name is kind of hard to forget. "She's really smart. And pretty."

"They both are," Murphy comments, sipping from a glass on the coffee table. He notices me looking. "Want a beer, Blake?"

"I'll pass," I say, raising my eyebrows and sitting on a chair across from the pair. It's nothing new to see Murphy drinking - another 'perk' of his parent's absence. 

"I asked them both out their first day, somehow they both decided they were too good for me," Murphy says, moving on. "You seem to have an in with them, though, you should take it. It must be handy having a sister who brings girls home for you." 

Murphy winks, setting down his drink. 

"I'm not getting involved in my sisters friendships," I say, shrugging. As if that's the only reason I'm not going anywhere near Raven and Clarke. "But feel free to ask them again. Clarke seems to be on a roll, if you're interested in getting pinned against the wall and yelled at for five minutes straight."

"Sounds kind of hot, if you ask me," Murphy says, glancing at Emori. She rolls her eyes. Hmm. Maybe she will stick around. 

"Whatever," I mumble, leaning back in the chair. It's impossible trying to have a serious conversation with Murphy, especially once he has an unknown amount of alcohol in his system. 

"Somethings bothering you," Murphy says, trying to form his expression to appear serious. "Did little O hurt your feelings again?"

"Don't call her that," I snap. "And it's not about Octavia."

"Who, then?" Murphy asks. I can see his hand sliding dangerously close to Emori, who keeps eyeing him instead of looking at her phone. "Raven? Her smart senses and quick wit weasel her way into your heart?"

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