[chapter fourteen - bellamy]

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As soon as Octavia runs to the elevator, I know Clarke is here. 

I'm relieved, because it means I won't have to pretend to be interested in Raven's boy drama anymore. She keeps going on and on about Wick, shining a light on him that I did not want or need to hear about. All I know is that he's a bad basketball player. 

Although, according to Raven, he's very intelligent and only joined basketball to try and get a university scholarship because his parents can't afford to get him into any good schools. When he got kicked off, he focused on his studies and now he's one of the smartest kids in the school. 

So really, I'm the reason he's so awesome. 

"Clarke is gonna be so sad," Raven comments from the living room. "She and her mom are really close. Like, sure, they fight sometimes, but at the end of the day, they can kinda talk about anything. I wish I had that with my mom. You have it with Octavia, sort of, and I have it with Clarke. I think. As far as I know, there isn't anything she's not telling me. Is there stuff you don't tell Octavia? She probably doesn't tell you stuff because she doesn't want you to get mad at her. How long did she take to tell you she was dating Lincoln? Sometimes I wonder if Clarke is secretly dating someone and not telling me. I mean, look at her, she's gorgeous. It's kind of hard to believe no one's interested in her, right? And yet somehow I don't hear a thing about any guys, girls, anyone."

"Raven," I say calmly, leaning against the doorway. "In the politest way possible, please shut up."

Raven rolls her eyes at me, but I can tell she isn't actually mad. "You suck."

"I have no desire to hear about peoples love lives," I tell her, glancing out the window. Clarke's mom's car is gone, but Octavia and Clarke are still struggling with the three boxes left. I'm still surprised she has so little - though the clothing box is rather large. 

"You will when it starts affecting you," Raven says, tapping her nose. "I mean, Lincoln and Octavia are steady, and he practically lives here already. But what about when Clarke starts dating, and you have to deal with whoever it is? What if it's someone like Finn, and you just have to put up with it because Clarke isn't going to break up with someone just because you said so. You'd have to bribe me into asking her to break things off, because she listens to me. Then-"

"Raven," I warn, relieved to hear the elevator doors chime. Wonderful, someone else can deal with her now. I greet them in the entrance way, taking the box in Octavia's arms. 

"Is our guest still alive?" Octavia asks me. I roll my eyes, nodding towards the living room. Clarke is mostly hidden behind two large boxes as she starts to stumble across the room. I sigh, handing Octavia her box back and taking one from Clarke. She looks relieved. 

"I was wondering if you'd just let me walk into a wall," Clarke says, raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Finally!" Raven calls. "Someone who actually cares about my problems."

"Let's put these in her room first," Octavia says, leading the way to Clarke's room. Clarke hangs back to let me pass through the doorway. 

Raven follows us into the sad looking room, wearing an excited expression. "So this is the mystery room, huh?" she says. "I thought this was the bathroom my first time here, and I've been wondering what you were hiding in here."

"It's just a spare room," Octavia says. "Sometimes we open it up when we need to toss stuff in here, but I moved the boxes and tubs into the closet down the hall."

"Oh," Clarke says. "I don't want to force you guys to move all your stuff around, I don't mind sharing the room with a few boxes."

"It's okay," Octavia says, setting down her box and smiling determinedly. "Once you personalize this a bit, it'll be just like home." Okay, we didn't talk about that. But I guess it might be nice to make this room more homey - it used to be presentable when I used it, but I kind of let it slip into chaos after a while. 

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