[chapter seven - clarke]

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No one moves for a moment. This is really happening. I can't believe we have to see him again after everything he put us through. Why are we even doing this?

Then Octavia moves calmly towards the door. 

"Remember," she says, turning to look at us. "This isn't about Finn. This is about us. What he thinks doesn't matter - we're bonding over this... whatever this is. As long as we have fun, that's what matters."

"I'll drink to that," Raven says, holding up an empty glass from the table. 

We were strategic with planning, that's for sure. Octavia is sitting at the head of the table, fitting in just enough room for Lincoln to sit beside her. Raven and Wick are on one side of the table, and I'm sure Raven will be furthest from Finn. I'm stuck sitting with Bellamy, which is fine for me because it gives me the chance to argue with him instead of Finn. 

It's not like I have anything against Bellamy... he just gets on my nerves. I'm still trying to get used to who he is as a person. 

"Also, no matter what happens, don't cause any scenes or start arguments. We finish this dinner peacefully so we never have to see him again," Raven says, joining Octavia at the door. 

I limp over to stand beside them - my ankle is feeling a little better, and the wrap is helping. I just need to stay off it for a while. 

A knock on the door brings me back to the reality of the situation. The man who caused me so much pain is standing on the other side of that door. We're about to give him a meal, a laugh, a good memory. How is this fair? How does he deserve this?

I don't have time to say anything before Octavia opens the door. 

"You must be Finn!" she says, but her usual cheerful demeanor is dampened. 

"And you're Octavia, right?" Finn says, offering her a hand. Octavia shakes it, and I notice her wipe her hand slightly against her pants as she turns around. 

"Well, we can catch up at the table," Octavia says awkwardly. She walks beside me into the living room. "I kind of thought he'd be more gloomy," she whispers to me. "Or give off major bad person vibes."

"You're allowed to be nice to him, Octavia," I whisper back. "Just be careful, that's all. He's good at twisting words."

Octavia nods, hurrying over to sit with Lincoln. Raven slides into her seat beside Wick, who looks incredibly comfortable considering the fact he's at a table with a bunch of people he doesn't know. 

I sit down too. Bellamy is still in the kitchen, meaning there isn't any buffer between me and Finn, who's sitting at the other end of the table opposite Octavia. 

"This is a nice spread," Finn says generously, motioning to the table. "Um, do you host a lot of dinners?"

"Only for unusual occasions," Octavia says thinly. That was unexpected. 

Bellamy starts bringing out bowls of spaghetti, setting them in front of us. He brings out the last three at once, setting one in front of me and himself, handing Finn his last. 

"Thank you," Finn says, barely glancing in the bowl before picking up his fork. "This smells amazing."

"It's just spaghetti," Bellamy says coldly. I raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn't notice. 

"So," Finn says, poking at his spaghetti. "This is kind of awkward."

"Good job for noticing," Raven mumbles. 

"What's new for you guys?" Finn asks. Raven moves closer to Wick, who is happily eating his spaghetti. 

"We've both started at Ark High," I say, glancing over at Raven. She's glaring at her food. 

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