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You could really see that Usagi cared for her father and you understood her decision as you have a loving father and mother.

"I chose to save both of them." Kuina suddenly shared her experience. "I was only planning to save my mother but I guess I won't be able to fight if my father didn't teach me and that resulted Clubs."

"I also choose both of my parents." It was Chota this time. "I may despise my mother for whats she's done in the past but I was thankful that they raised me well. That's why my specialty is Clubs as well."

"Who cares about choosing someone? I'll just save whoever I can save." Karube blurted out and Chota bursted out laughing.

"You didn't even make it to that test because you chose the wrong door!" Chota laugher and Karube hit him on the head.

"Shut up will ya!"

"How about you Arisu? Who did you choose?" You were curious on what answer Arisu gave because he looked like he's the most intelligent one in the group.

"I didn't choose anyone." Arisu replied.

"Eh?" You were confuse and waited for him to answer.

"I did the same as you..." Arisu looked at you with a smile. "I based my answer on the question but on the second sentence it says..."

When the time limit is up, the person you have chosen will be saved while the other will be hung to their death

"If you chose to save your father, then the mother will die and the same goes vice versa. If you didn't choose anyone until the time limit, then no one will die." Arisu explained and you were amused that he came with that conclusion.

"And that..." Karube messed his hair while grinning. "Is why his Specialty is Diamond."

"Unlike you Karube, your game ended fast-" Karube covered the mouth of Chota and they fought each other like a kid.

"Did you know Arisu almost got caught by the Killer?" Usagi elbowed you and Arisu blushed in embarrassment. "If it weren't for his teleportation, he would have finished the test earlier than Karube."

"Hey, there weren't any rule about not using your Magic power. You used your speed to escape the Killer!" Arisu frowned.

You were fascinated on how everyone had different answers and how they will choose one person from the other.

Of course not everyone had the same set of mind but if you didn't really had a choice have to save one person, then you have no idea which one you would choose out of your parents.






All of your phones received a message at the same time as well as those students who were around you.

You checked your phone and saw a message on the screen.


"Battle request?" You questioned as the others also checked their phone.

"Someone requested someone to battle." Usagi answered your question and you watch as the screen changes.


"Finally a battle!" Karube exclaimed. "We haven't had a battle since last week!"

"Takashi had really challenged Chishiya, all of his effort reaching Executive 5 had been wasted." Kuina shook her head in disappointment.

"Wait, what's going on?" You asked them as they put their phone away.

"In your phone there's an app for Battle. You can challenge anyone anytime and if the person you'd challenged accepted, then the two of you can arrange when you want to battle each other." Chota replied and you continued looking at your screen.

"Out of all the people Takashi can challenge, why Chishiya? He must have a death wish." Arisu muttered.

"I guess he's rushing to be Executive 1..." Usagi trailed off. "But if Chishiya doesn't accept his challenge, then he won't be able to challenge anyone for a week and he will lose face."

"Why is that?" You were getting more and more curious about Chishiya.

"Chishiya never accepted anyone's challenge that's why. He only accepts those whom he think is worthy of fighting. If he doesn't accept Takashi's challenge, then Takashi will lose face to everyone because an Executive member had declined his request." Arisu explained.

"So if an Executive member challenges another Executive member, they will lose their popularity if the other member didn't accept the challenge?" You repeated and he nodded.

"Exactly! Knowing Chishiya, he will deny the challenge." Karube stated.

"But isn't this the fifth time Chishiya denied a request?" Kuina suddenly said and everyone widen their eyes.

"He have no choice but to accept it!" All of them said at once and you being the new student, you tried your best catching up on what they were talking about.

"You can deny a request four times but on the fifth one, you have no choice but to accept it otherwise you can't participate the upcoming Tournament." Chota explained when he saw the confusion on his face.

"Chishiya is the most powerful in this school and I'm sure Principal Hatter won't let that happen." Kuina intervene.

"That's the rule, Principal Hatter never break his rule." Chota stated. "Either way, Takashi must have been waiting for Chishiya's fifth request."

"Takashi has an amazing Magic power but Chishiya isn't Executive 1 without a reason." Arisu smirked as if he knew that Takashi was already going to lose.

"I don't care whether Takashi lose or not, what I'm interested in is seeing Chishiya's true power." Kuina smiled and everyone except you agreed to that.

Borderland Academy (Chishiya x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now