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Dear Miss Y/n L/n

We are delighted to inform you that your application had been approved. It is our pleasure and honor to have you studying with us here in Borderland Academy.


From Principal,

"Oh my gosh...." You read the letter over and over again before the information sank in your mind. "Oh my gosh I GOT IT!"

"Mum! Dad! I got in, they've approve my application!" You ran towards the kitchen where your parents were making breakfast. "Mum, dad! I got in the Borderland Academy! They finally accepted my application!"

You then remember that you sent the letter secretly because your parents are oppose to the idea of sending you to that school.

"Oh umm I think I still have homework to do." You quickly turned around and stop when your father called you.

"Stop right there Y/n." You turned around and hid the letter behind you. "What got finally accepted?"

"Hehe..." You laugh awkwardly while raising the letter. "You're going to laugh actually, I applied for the Borderland Academy ten times and they finally accepted it this time."

You waited for your parents to smile or giggle but the only reaction you got was a serious one.

"Y/n, we already told you that-" You interrupted them while raising your pointy finger.

"That I'm not allowed to go to this Magic school because it can put my life in danger if anyone ever finds out what Magic power I possess." You continued your father's sentence and he blink a few times before shaking his head.

"Anyway, the point is-" You interrupted once again as you clasped your hands together and bowed your head.

"But I'm eighteen now and you've taught me every fighting skills I need to learn as well as self-defense, please let me go to this school!" You pleaded while giving them your puppy eyes.

"What's the point of me learning Karate, Boxing, Muay Thai, Martial arts and many more fighting skills you could think of if you're not going to let me make use of them!" You were determined on convincing them as you really wanted to go to the Academy.

"Studying in Borderland Academy had always been my dream, you both know that so please give me a chance to prove myself!" You finished and waited for an answer.

Your parents glanced at each other and when you saw your father opening his mouth, you turned to your mother.

"Please mother, let me do this!" You know so well that your mother will support you with any decision you made so if she convinced your father to allow you, then you might have a chance.

"Dear, I think it's time for us to let her. She's not a child anymore so our best thing to do as her parents is to support her for what she wants." Your mother said and you smiled internally.

Your father stared at you for a while and you held your pleading face on, hoping that this time he will let you join the Academy.

"Fine..." He sigh in defeat and before you can celebrate, he raised his finger. "But in one condition."

You stood there waiting for whatever this condition was and prepared yourself to accept whatever it was.

"You won't use your Magic power under any circumstances and you won't tell anyone about it. Once you do, we will force the Principal to dismiss you do you understand." Your father crossed his arms and you nodded.

"Deal!" You suddenly hugged him and he flinch in surprise, not expecting your reaction. "I will do my best to get in the Top 10 Executives! You won't regret your decision!"

You quickly went to your room and called your friends to go out shopping.

"Do you think she'll be able to get in the rankings without using her Magic power?" Your mother asked your father and your father sigh.

"She is bound to use them and if she did, let's just hope that the Dark Phantoms aren't watching." Your father replied as he think about the consequences of someone finding out your true power.

You and your friends went shopping and you paid for all the expenses. You even treated them to a nice restaurant and played games.

"So what's the occasion, why are you treating us all of the sudden?" Your friend Elaine asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, it's so not like you to pay for all of this." Your other friend Haru.

"Come closer, something really great happened to me..." The two of them leaned closer to you and you grinned. "I got accepted in Borderland Academy and my parents are finally allowing me to go!"

"What?" Both Haru and Elaine said at the same time.

"It's exciting right?" You jumped up and down in join as your friend gave you a worried look.

"But you don't have any Magic power, that school is full of talented students who possess am incredible Magic power! How are you going to fight them as a human!" Elaine pointed out.

"She's right Y/n, you might not survive one day in that Academy especially with the Trials they give for the students." Haru added and you playfully rolled your eyes.

"Oh come on, I don't need any Magic power to complete the Trials! Besides, even Midoriya from Hero Academia decided to go to school full of talented students who have amazing quirks. I can do this, I just need to believe in myself!" You proclaimed.

"You do realize that Midoriya is from Anime right?" Haru pointed out.

"Of course I do, my point here is if he can do it, then I can do it as well."

Borderland Academy (Chishiya x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now