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"Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay safe at all times. Even if I have to surpass my limit." Kuina stated and you were confused at what she just said.

Arisu and Chota exchanged glances, knowing what will happen if Kuina abused her Magic power but they understood since Chishiya literally gave them a death warning if anything were to happen to you during the game.

"Chishiya is scary." Chota whispered to Arisu and Arisu nodded.

"Tell me about it."

The game started and your team split into two. One on the offence and the other on the defence. You, Kuina, Arisu, Haru, Chota, Karube and Hope were on the defence team.

"Do you know we're doom if Chishiya would be the one to steal the flag." Arisu pointed out and Chota gulped.

"Don't remind me, I'm already scared when I found out that he's my opponent." Chota said and Karube laughed.

"You guys are wimps!" He exclaimed.

"Says the one who peed on his pants when he found out he'll be fighting him in a trial." Arisu commented and Karube hit him on his head.

"I did not pee! It just happened that the weather was too hot!" Karube defended and Kuina started laughing.

"From what I remember, the weather was too cold at that time." Kuina chuckled.

"She's right, the weather was cold that time." Haru confirmed and you could feel heat coming out from Karube.

"Oh shut up all of you!" Karube yelled and then he faced Haru. "And who the heck are you?"

You all went silent when you heard something in the bush. You all went on your guard and you could feel their magic auras increasing. You reached to your smoke bombs and prepared on who you're going to face, hoping that it was not Chishiya at that moment.

"Who's there!" Kuina shouted and Tatta came out from the bush.

"Oh hey guys, coast is clear at the moment." Tatta announced and you all breath in relief.

"You scared us!" Kuina exclaimed.

"I'm so-" Tatta was cut off when he was suddenly struck by a lightning, making him fall to the ground.

"Run run as fast as you can, you can't see me. I'm faster than light!" Theone chuckled. "Nothing personal Tatta."

"Technically, I'm still faster than you." Usagi appeared leaning by the tree and Theone rolled her eyes.

"Wanna bet?" Theone challenged and Usagi pushed herself from the tree and smirked.

"Sure, why not. Whoever gets the flags first wins." Usagi accepted and they faced your team.

"I'll got Usagi, you take care of Theone." Arisu said while looking at Karube.

Karube was about to step forward but Chota stopped him.

"You do know lightning and fire creates disaster." Chota stated while releasing Magic aura as he started walking towards Theone. "I'll take care of her."

"I guess the fastest ones got here first." Kuina looked at you and you just nodded.

Arisu teleported to Usagi and took her far away from the flag. They ended up in one of the floating ground and Usagi glared at Arisu.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? It's just a game so don't get upset." Arisu defended.

"This is the first time you'll be fighting me." Usagi smirked as she started running, only to be brought back at the same place because of Arisu.

"Oh, I guess teleportation is faster than speed." Arisu was amazed that he could match Usagi's speed.

"You wish." Usagi scoff as she started to escape from Arisu.

"That's Chishiya! We can't beat him!" Maple told her friend, Wolfie as they saw Chishiya and Hayden the only one guarding the flag. "We may be able to do it if only Hayden was there but this is Chishiya we're talking about!"

"Where is Tatta when you need him, why was he appointed on defence when he could have been useful on the offence." Wolfie sigh and Maple shrugged.

"Beats me, they should had sent Y/n on the offence. She's not even useful on the defence. What's she gonna do, throw smoke bombs on the enemy?" Wolfie joked and they both laughed.

Not long after, they were both lifted up the sky and landed in front of Chishiya and Hayden.

"You're both nosy." Chishiya narrowed his eyes, sending fear to the two girls. "And how dare you belittle my girlfriend."

In a blink of an eye, Maple and Wolfie were both sent flying away. Wolfie transformed into a bear and caught Maple while Maple used her Magic power to make flowers on the ground as they landed.

"I should had been on the defence." Maple said while Wolfie transformed back into her normal form and grunted.

"He's really scary."

"What are we gonna do about him?" Hope asked Mikey as they both faced Kenma.

"Kick him until he goes unconscious." Mikey replied and Kenma smirked.

"You better let me pass before you regret it." Kenma warned and Hope hid behind Mikey.

"I don't think I can keep him for that long, my Magic aura gets drained too fast." Hope loudly whispered and Mikey placed a hand on her head.

"Don't worry, I'll back you up. I'll make sure you won't ran out of Magic aura." Mikey assured and Hope nodded.

She then stood in front of Mikey, eyes turning white as she took Kenma and Mikey in another dimension. A world of her own where she controls everything. (Just like Doctor Strange's Mirror Dimension)

Kenma looked around and sigh while thinking that he have to fight Hope and Mikey.

"Don't forget I warned you." Kenma took his hand out of his pocket and released a huge amount of aura. "I have a volleyball game after this, I don't want to stay that long so the sooner we win the earlier I can get out of class."

Fireflies started appearing on Kenma's hands and it spread out through the dimension. The dimension started glitching but was stop when Mikey gave more auras to Hope.

"How annoying." Kenma commented as he summoned more fireflies, but this time it was red.

Hope moved her hand and trains started attacking Kenma. The train exploded as soon as it made contact with the red fireflies and Kenma used this as a smokescreen.

Mikey charged forward and kicked Kenma on his side and he widen his eyes when it turned into white fireflies. The fireflies surrounded him and he screamed in agony.

Although it stopped as soon as Kenma revealed himself behind the train with a bored look.

"Not bad Hope, I guess I'll have my fun here." He commented as he made Mikey's clone disappeared, revealing the real Mikey behind Hope.

Borderland Academy (Chishiya x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now