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I need a book cover for this story haha tag me if you have one tanku =^-^=

When we arrived at the field, there were two flags at each end and Aguni was waiting in the middle. A blue flag on the left and red flag on the right. Arisu proudly clapped his hand, showing that he guessed the right game.

"I knew it was capture the flag!" He exclaimed and Karube ruffled his hair.

"Yeah yeah shut up smart guy."

Normal POV

You all gathered around Aguni and waited for his instructions.

"Good morning class, today you'll be playing capture the flags." Aguni started and then he showed a remote.

"Oh no, I guess it's a magic game." You heard Kuina mumbling while glancing at Chishiya.

You also looked at Chishiya and you saw that he have his usual facial face on. You also saw some students giving you a death glare, as if they're ready for the game to begin and you'll be the first target on their list.

"Although there's a twist on this game." Aguni continued as he pressed the button and the whole field turned into a forest and some of the grounds floated up the sky. (Like photo below)

"This is the platform you'll be fighting on

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"This is the platform you'll be fighting on." Aguni stated and your mouth went agape. 

"Whoa, this is so cool!" You muttered and Kuina chuckled.

"I know right, everything that happens here in Borderland are always cool." Kuina nudged you with a smile.

All of the sudden, you felt a menacing aura increasing. You quickly looked around and saw Hayden, your classmate, giving you a creepy smirk. People who was around him started backing away as they also felt his aura.

"Oh no this is bad."

"I hope I'm on the same team as him."

"Fuck, we're doom!"

With the reactions you got from your classmates, you knew that Hayden was bad news. 

"Hayden, the game hasn't started yet. Please save your energy for later." Aguni said and Hayden just chuckled.

"Don't worry sir, I have plenty of energy left even after the game finishes. I'm just excited to crush the humans."  Hayden directed his message to you while licking his lips.

Chishiya suddenly stood in front of you and released some aura.

"Yeah, I can't wait to crush those who targets my girlfriend." Chishiya warned and Hayden snickered.

"Fyi, I am not your-" You were cut off when your hand suddenly moved to your mouth. 

Chishiya quickly glance at you while giving you a smirk and you rolled your eyes.

"You can't protect her alone." Hayden challenged and Kuina suddenly started laughing.

"She's not alone." Kuina commented.

Usagi, Arisu, Chota, Karube and Aikyo also joined your side. Aguni cleared his throat and you all turned to him.

"Let's not get over excited with this game. Besides, you won't know who will be in your team." Aguni said while pressing the button on the remote and a big screen appeared at the side. "This will show you which team you are on, I'll explain the rules after."

Random Team Generator

There are 28 students

Randomising the team now...

Team 1:
1. Iris
2. Niragi
3. Theone
4. Edsgasala
5. Yesmol
6. Hayden
7. Usagi
8. Chishiya
9. Alleah
10. Kenma
11. Mid
12. Aikyo
13. Rony
14.  Shibuki

Team 2:

1. Kuina
2. Maple
3. Wolfie
4. Y/n
5. Arisu
6. Chota
7. Karube
8. Hope
9. Jazy
10. Tatta
11. Mikey
12. Haru
13. Chiko
14. Tsetig

"Well well well, guess we won't be fighting each other. Such a shame." Hayden glared at Chishiya and Chishiya smirked.

"It's not like you would be able to defeat me, don't get in my way. I can win this game on my own." Chishiya fired back and Hayden scoff.

"Don't worry, I won't. Knowing that your girlfriend is not the same team as you, I'll just go after her." As soon as Hayden said this, Chishiya pushed him against the tree with his Magic power.

"Don't you dare touch her." He threatened before releasing him and letting him fall from the ground. "I will surely make you pay if you do."

"Alright that's enough, let's not waste any more time. I'll explain the game now." Aguni interrupted the fight and Hayden slightly chuckled.

"This is so going to be fun." He muttered as he licked his lips while eyeing you.

"Game is simple, capture your opponent's flag before the time ends. Anything goes, even magic is allowed and I will stop the game once I know a student has been badly injured. You will have thirty minutes head-start to plan and I hope you have fun. This game will get you prepared for the tournament so you better pay attention and do your best to win." Aguni started explaining. "Oh and whoever team wins will get a one week visa."

Everyone started murmuring and excited with the price they will receive when they win. 

"Hey Y/n, stay safe!" Usagi gave you a worried look and you nodded.

"You too!" You said back and Usagi laughed at you.

"You silly! I can take care of myself!" Was the last thing you heard from her before she disappeared into the forest. 

You all gathered around the flag and planned what to do. 

"You think this is going to work?" You asked Kuina as you doubt that the plan your team had will not go as planned.

"It should work." Kuina answered then she locked her eyes with you while holding your shoulder. "Y/n L/n, promise me you'll stay near me, Chota, Arisu and Karube okay! You must not get separated from us."

"Eh? Why do I ne-" I was cut off when she started shaking me.

"Because your boyfriend will kill us if we let anything happen to you!"

"Yeah that is true Y/n, I don't wanna face Chishiya's wrath." Chota pointed out and you rolled your eyes.

"For the last time... he is not my boyfriend!"

Borderland Academy (Chishiya x Reader: Modern)Where stories live. Discover now