Chapter 4 : Bandana Waddle Dee - Meta Knight's Secret

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As Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Waddle Dee got into the new spaceship and star warrior spaceship, King Dedede looked worried.

'Who's going to control this spaceship? I don't know how!'

'It's alright, lord,' Bandana Dee comforted. 'I know how.'

'That's good. I'm glad you're here, Bandana Dee.'

Bandana Dee blushed. He wasn't really used to being praised. He was happy that he was getting praised by his original lord. Bandana Dee was a free Waddle Dee, though he was a servant of King Dedede's before. He still called King Dedede Lord though, and also acted like his servant a little.

As Bandana Dee started to launch the spaceship, Meta Knight put a tiny Walkie-Talkie on the table next to the spaceship. After that, Meta Knight went on his own spaceship and launched off, and Bandana Dee also pressed the launch button and also launched up into space. As soon as they launched, Dedede again looked panicked.

'Wait! Where are we going to live?'

'King, I've got 4 tents we can live in while the spaceship is fixed.' Meta Knight replied from the Walkie-Talkie. 'There's pink, purple, red, and orange.'

'Good,' King Dedede sighed in relief. 'Can I have the red one?'

'Can I have the orange?' Bandana Dee asked, still controlling the spaceship.

'And I'll have purple, and Kirby can have pink if we can find him.'

Meta Knight sounded a little worried if he was still wondering if they could find Kirby. Bandana Dee thought Meta Knight was kind of too nice to Kirby, and also over-protective. He thought Meta Knight was becoming awkward around Kirby these days, as well. B.W. Dee knew there was something wrong between them.

Bandana Dee said quietly, 'Sir Meta Knight...'

'What?' Meta Knight muttered.

'What's up between you and Kirby?'

In the star warrior spaceship in front of Dedede and Bandana Dee's spaceship, Meta Knight spluttered his blend coffee.

He coughed and yelled, 'WHAT?'

'Oh, c'mon, Meta Knight,' Dedede laughed. 'Something has to be up between you two.'

'Nothing's up!' Meta Knight grumbled angrily.

'Are you sure? You look more awkward, you're too nice to him, so tell me,' Bandana Dee said.

'Do you have a crush on Kirby?'

Meta Knight looked lost in words for a moment, but quickly shouted, 'NO!'

'Are you really sure? You're awkward around him, you look at him for too long, you're too nice and over-protective about him,' B.W. Dee smiled, knowing something was happening to Meta Knight.

'Meta Knight...' King Dedede shook his head and laughed. 'You are so busted.'

Meta Knight looked back at Dedede and B.W. Dee's spaceship, looking a little red. His eyes were flickering to purple, and Bandana Dee knew that meant he was in love.

'Fine,' Meta Knight gritted his teeth. 'I have a crush on Kirby. But don't you dare tell anyone about this.'

Surprised, Bandana Dee and King Dedede exchanged looks. So Meta Knight did have a crush on Kirby. Dedede grinned, and Bandana Dee was so happy that he jumped up and down.

'Not even the actual person?' Dedede said at the walkie-talkie.

'NO!' Meta Knight's voice from the walkie-talkie echoed through the spaceship. 'But I do have hopes... That I can tell Kirby soon.'

Meta Knight sounded sad like his love wasn't going to be real at all. Both of the spaceships stayed quiet, wondering if they could find Kirby.

Suddenly, Meta Knight said, 'Go down,'

'What?' B.W. Dee yelled back.

'The star warrior spaceship detector's beeping faster. Go down!'

Meta Knight's spaceship glided down, and B.W. Dee also made his spaceship go down as well. A round purple planet was getting closer to the spaceships. As they got closer, the sky stayed navy-blue, but the planet turned green. They were going to land on grassland that was close to a forest. Slowly, both spaceships went down onto the grassland, with a tiny sound of the crash. All 3 of them got out of the spaceships quickly and found a familiar spaceship broken on the grass. It was Kirby's star warrior spaceship. It was quite badly broken. The engines were cracked. The wings were bent. But sadly, there wasn't a Kirby to be seen. Meta Knight took out a green camera that was under the seat of the broken spaceship, which was surprisingly unharmed. Meta Knight turned it on and flipped through the photos, and his eyes widened as he did. Bandana Dee looked over and gasped. The camera had pictures of a big grey rock, maybe a meteoroid. Kirby must have taken a few photos of it. In every picture, the meteoroid was closer. Kirby's spaceship must've fallen down because the meteoroid crashed into his spaceship.

'This meteoroid can't be an accident.' Meta Knight muttered. 'Somebody made it.'

'How do you know?' Dedede asked, who was also leaning over.

'I just... know,' Meta Knight looked determined. 'But it means Kirby is in danger.'

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