Chapter 14 : Meta Knight - You'll Pay

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This chapter will be quite longer than the others; The next chapter also might be long too. Please enjoy!

As Meta Knight's mask broke, he thought about one thing: His friends and Wilanda will see his true form.

Meta Knight was flown back because of the impact, and he crashed into a rock. His vision blurred, though it wasn't enough to black him out. He scrambled back up again and... Yep. Everyone was staring at him(Except for Evil Kirby).

'Meta Knight...' King Dedede gaped. 'Your face... It's so similar to... to...'

'Kirby!' Bandana Dee finished his sentence. 'Sir, you're the same species as Kirby?'

'No time,' Meta Knight yelled as he dodged a thorn a tiny monster shot. 'But I am a Kirby or the same species as Kirby.'

Meta Knight felt a hard stare on his back. He slowly turned and saw Wilanda, staring at him and looking quite surprised. But slowly, it turned into a grin.

'Well, looks like I've got 2 Kirbys to catch, eh?'

Okay, now Wilanda wants me as well as Kirby, Meta Knight noted. This is why I hate it when my mask breaks.

Wilanda dashed to where Meta Knight is and tried catching him with two hands(Paws, whatever), but Meta Knight dodged it by jumping and then got his sword ready and stabbed Wilanda in the right arm.

Wilanda howled and then backed up and yelled, 'Change of plans! You're going to be the first to die, Meta Knight! Kirby!'

Evil Kirby rushed up forward, and Willanda threw him a knife. Kirby eliminated his sword ability, making the sword ability star to come out. Then he sucked up the knife and turned into Cutter Kirby, and ran to Meta Knight to attack him.

Meta Knight quickly stood to defend, dodging evil Kirby's cutter boomerang and jumping away as it turned to attack him again. But Kirby did something surprising. As he got his cutter back, he started attacking Meta Knight closely, not throwing his cutter, but using it as a knife.

One of his close attacks is really convenient, Meta Knight remembered. This must be why Wilanda changed Kirby to Cutter Kirby.

Meta Knight quickly dodged evil Kirby's attacks and told himself to concentrate on what was happening in front of him and around him. He could see Dedede and Bandana Dee fighting with the tiny monsters, but not having much luck because if the monsters got killed, they would be replaced with more. Wilanda was close to evil Kirby and Meta Knight, looking at them smugly as he rubbed his bleeding arm, with that look that he was going to do something. Meta Knight looked at him, suspicious.

What is he planning to do, I wonder?

But Meta Knight quickly turned back to fight with evil Kirby again. As he deflected Kirby's blade a couple of times, he felt Wilanda leave them and go over to B.W. Dee and Dedede. And before he knew what was happening, he heard Bandana Dee yelp.

Meta Knight made the mistake of looking over.

Evil Kirby saw his distraction and performed the attacks. Kirby slashed at Meta Knight with full speed, cutting him a few times. Then he went up into the sky and then back down, and made Meta Knight fly into a rock again. Galaxia flew out of his hand. Meta Knight's vision became dark, and his body screamed in pain. He crumpled to the ground.

No, come on! Stand up, Meta Knight, Meta Knight huffed, but he unsuccessfully stood up.

He saw evil Kirby walking over to him, his cutter gleaming. He stopped right in front of Meta Knight and raised his cutter to kill.

But he stopped his cutter in midair.

Meta Knight looked up, surprised. Kirby wasn't moving.

But why?

Then, Meta Knight felt a warm drop of water fall on him. He looked higher, and saw that... Kirby was crying.

And he saw... evil Kirby's pitch-black eyes turn blue for a few seconds.

'I can't kill you...' Kirby said, and it took a second for Meta Knight to notice that he wasn't talking in Poyo language.

'Kirby...?' Meta Knight croaked.

'Kirby, what are you doing?!' Wilanda screamed again, and Kirby's eyes flickered to black. 'Attack!'

Evil Kirby backed away from Meta Knight, refusing to attack and tears pouring from his pitch-black eyes.

'Fine,' Wilanda growled. 'I'll kill him myself.'

Wilanda shot a purple thorn at Meta Knight with lightning speed. Meta Knight didn't have the strength to dodge it.

His mask was broken. His sword was somewhere he couldn't reach for. He couldn't use his cape because he couldn't raise it up.

Bandana Dee screamed and Dedede yelled, 'No!'

Evil Kirby's eyes widened, his eyes turning Kirby's old blue eyes for a second again.

Meta Knight closed his eyes, waiting for pain and death.

But it didn't come.

Was Meta Knight dead already? No, because he could still hear the wind and feel the ground. But he still felt no pain. He heard gasps, which sounded like Dedede and Bandana Dee.

What has happened?

Meta Knight slowly opened his eyes, surprised to see what he saw before the thorn. He saw his friends and Wilanda gaping at something under him...

Meta Knight slowly looked down, but his brain refused to believe what- No, who it was. But it was true.


Kirby was lying on the ground, the poisonous thorn in his chest, and he was turning paler and paler every second. Tears were still falling from his eyes, and they were blue. The same blue as before. Meta Knight felt even more heartbroken than ever. Kirby, his crush, his love, the light of his life, was now badly hurt because of Meta Knight. All because of him.

'Kirby!' Meta Knight literally screamed, and he crouched down quickly. 'Oh, no, no no...'

'Meta...' Kirby smiled weakly, and it was still warm even though his body was getting colder.

'Kirby... I'm so sorry... Why did you save me?' Meta Knight heard his voice crack.

Meta Knight again noticed that Kirby wasn't talking in Poyo Language. 'You're a really important person to me. That's why.'

Meta Knight's eyes stung with tears. Kirby said he was an important person to him. And Kirby was now hurt because of Meta Knight.

'Curse you, Meta Knight!' Wilanda snapped, seeing that he couldn't use Kirby anymore. The thought made Meta Knight mad. 'Looks like you have to pay for this by being the Kirby instead!'

'No, Wilanda,' Meta Knight stood up, feeling the anger towards the monster getting stronger. 'You'll pay. You have done enough damage on the innocent creatures, my friends and Kirby. You'll be the one who will pay.'

Wilanda backed away in surprise as Meta Knight picked up Galaxia once again.

'I will avenge Kirby.' Meta Knight roared and ran to fight with the monster.

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