Savoir Supporter (Companion idea)

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Here's one for you DM's that want a aimless, but devoted, companion.
The players are walking from one town to another town & they spot a strange sight while on the road their. They see a lady propped up against a tree, she has a spear impaled into the middle of her body & has attached her to said tree. If the players go investigate her (or get close to her) they will notice that she is barley alive. If the players succeeded at try to unimpale her & heal her, she will be comatose. At this point the players are either going to have to carry her to some form of hospital.

After they do that, if they stay at the town with the hospital for more than a week, the lady will come to their current resident. If they don't stay in tow for three days, after said three days the lady will go on a search to find the party. Non-the-less the result is the same & the lady they save will find them & ask to join their party as a companion. She will explain to the party that she has been wandering aimlessly in search for something to do with her life & that she wishes to help the people that saved her, so that she can properly congratulate them for saving her life & so she can find something to do with her life.

If the players say yes, she will join the party. If the players so no, she will say some rushed words & then wander off. After the no outcome, the party can occasionally find her wandering around.

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