chapter 5; an ocean...... of sand

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we see neera looking back at aladar before being shouldered by kron.

neera; " hey watch it bro "

kron; " you never used to look back when we traveled. "

neera; " yeah kron. But now that i see how much they struggle i think we should help them "

kron; " and what ever happened to the natural order? "

neera stops in deep contemplation. 

kron; " look i get it a male raptor looking thing apears out of nowhere with only vermin for company. It is intresting but lets not are intriuge destroy the heirarchy. Ok? "

neera; " ok "

she takes one last look back seing some baby saurolophus  strugling in the heat.

meanwhile we see brutton nudge kron and move his head forwards.

kron; " ah. Good news evreyone only a few more minutes before we arive at the water "

aladar looks back to the misfits.

aladar; " you guys here that? "

eema; " oh sweet lord im going to live to see the day! "

we see the herd continues marching kron and brutton look down in shock.

eema; " oh i can finaly drink finaly bathe in all the.... sand "

we see where the water should be their is only a empty pit with an igunadon skull beside it.

kron; " well i supose some of us can go a little farther without water we shall rest in the dried up lake. "

the dinosaurs climb down and we cut to neera sniffing around.

neera; " kron its odd i still smell water here "

kron; " neera have the saichania motto taught you nothing? i cant see the imediate solution and i dont want to waste mine or other peoples time with a potential failure "

neera; " oh yeah how silly of me "

we see the herd resting and then neera nudging a sleeping aladar.

neera; " hey bud you hungry? "

aladar; " yeah? you found some plants? "

neera; " even better follow me "

the two run off and see the corpse of a gigantoraptor.

neera; " bone apetitie "

she runs to corpse and starts rippng some meat off and chewing on it.

aladar; " huh. You an omnivore to? "

neera; " oh hell naw son. Ima  carnivore for life "

aladar begins to chew on the corpse

aladar; " and what do you do when you cant find a gigantoraptor corpse? "

neera; " oh i sometimes eat members of the herd that die on the way "

aladar looks at her disgusted.

neera; " What!? you want me to eat them when their alive? and besides chances are something else beats me to the carcass "

aladar; " i supose if you have no other option than thats fair enough "

he continues to eat from the gigantoraptor.

aladar; " so where are we going on this migration because i heard that we are continueing on after this "

neera; " we need to get to the nesting grounds. "

aladar; " the nesting ground? "

neera; " yeah its this paradise said to have enough food and water for us to survive a world wide extinction event "

aladar; " wow. Why now? "

neera; " well we thought it was a legend or even a myth. Until one day me and my brother saw pterosaurs flying away from where it should be with leaves in their mouths. The brightest and most fresh leaves we ever saw! after that we hired brutton to bring us to it as he said he could track anywhere. And hear we are now "

aladar; " that sounds amazing. "

he sniffs the air.

aladar; " you smell the water? "

neera; " yeah earlier "

aladar; " why didnt you tell me? "

neera; " well do you hear taste or feel any water "

aladar; " touche "

suddenly we get a look at a therizenosaurus's footprint in the sand and it apears theirs some shallow water in the footprint.

aladar; " look neera water! "

they both run to the misfits.

neera; " guys water "

eema;  " dont get my hopes up again "

they walk to the therizenosaurus footprint the raptors start digging and sure enough their is water.

aladar; " neera dont. let eema drink first she needs it "

eema; " thank you aladar thank you evreyone oh "

she drinks from the water.

eema; " oh that feels so good i feel young again i feel....alive "

aladar; " now naelyn then my family "

yar; " great we have to wait for overgrown lizards to lick up their share "

neera hisses at him and he backs away.

the orphaned titanosaur drinks her water with earl and then the mammals get some water. 

aladar; " we should tell the other dinosaurs "

neera; " no aladar kron would never share it "

the two raptors drink from it for a while.

suddenly they hear a roar its kron and brutton who arive at the water.

kron; " impressive neera you have singlehandedly found the water. now to scare away the weaklings "

he swings his club at the misfits and they back of kron and brutton drink from it.

kron; " drink up sis "

neera; " maybe later "

kron; " fair enough. Brutton i want you to scout ahead with slash "

brutton; " yes sir but i warn you this is uncharted territory "

brutton and a therizenosaurus march off away from the water.

aladar; " mr kron? what happens to the members of the herd who dont drink? "

kron; "well its their fault for not being strong enough so they die. "

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