Season 5 Episode 2

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The Story so Far
Blaze and Lighting went out catching Pokémon to help lighting compete in the Elite 4 challenge. Along the way, Lighting tells Blaze he wants a girlfriend and Blaze immediately thinks of Misty but she already dating someone, and that someone is Gary. Lightning was understandably devastated but he ended up bumping into Korrina.

The Episode starts NOW!!!!!!!

Lighting: I'm so sorry. Here, let me look at your leg.

Lighting looks at her leg and his hands glowed with aura. and that healed her leg.

Lighting: Here you go.

Korrina: T-Thank you! Is that aura you used?!?!?

Lighting: Yeah, what about it?

Korrina: My Lucario has the ability to read and control aura.

Lighting: Cool. I like it.

Blaze: Ahem! Back to the matter at hand.

Lighting: Really, blue dude! Right now!?!?!?!?!!?!?

Blaze: Well?

Lighting: *sighs* Fine. You want to come to Vaniville Town with us? We have a place to stay.

Korrina: Of course. Thank you. You are very kind.

The trio walk back to Vaniville town and Blaze opens the door and Serena was standing there, furious.

Serena: James Edward Stavola! Where the hell have you been?!?!?!???! You said you were helping Lighting catch some Pokémon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blaze: We were! We had to go to a variety of places to catch Pokémon. You should know that by now!

Serena: And who's this? I told you we can't bring anyone else home!

Blaze: That's uh-. 

Serena: Lighting! Explain, NOW!!!!!!!!

Lighting: This is Korrina, my new girlfriend. 

Korrina: Girlfriend!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Blaze slaps his face. 

Blaze: Lord save me. 

Serena: Girlfriend?!?!?!?! 

Lightning: yeah, right Korrina?

Korinna: That's right.

Lightning: Besides, she has nowhere to go! And it's only temporary. 

Serena: Alright. I still don't like this. 

Lightning: Relax! It'll be fine! And don't even think of hurting Korrina, or you're gonna be in a world of hurt! *draws his sword* 

Blaze: Hey! Drop your  goddamn sword! Now! 

Lighting: I'm trying to make my point! Get it, point? 


Lightning: Geez, sorry. 

Blaze: Try that again, and I'll make sure to give you a very bad sunburn! 

Lightning: I wouldn't dream of it.  

Blaze: Good. 

Blaze, Lightning and Korrina all went to bed, leaving Serena very confused. She also displayed some regret over losing her cool, which is something she rarely does. She sat down and began to reflect on the days events.

Serena: Maybe I was too harsh on them. Especially Korrina. I should apologize to them tomorrow. I hope they'll forgive me. 

The next day Blaze, Lightning and Korrina got up early to sign up for the Elite 4 challenge. They were just finised breakfast when

Serena: Hey guys, can we talk?

Lightning: Make it quick. We have to leave for the sign up. 

Serena: I'm sorry for losing my temper yesterday. It was wrong. 

Lighting: It's fine. I shouldn't have threatened you like I did. 

Blaze: I'll let it slide this time, but if you do it again, I won't be forgiving. 

Lighting: Got it.  Alrihgt, let's go. 

Serena: I'll come with you guys, if you want me to?

Lighting: Yeah, why not. The more the merrier, they say. 

Blaze: And I can't let you stay home alone after the last time I did that. 

Korrina: What happened the last time? 

Lighting: You don't want to know.  

Korrina: Ok. 

Blaze: *holds Serena's hand* And I Promise to never leave your side again. 

Lighting: *sighs* This could get ugly real quick. 

Korrina: Why? 

Lighting: Well, when you sign up, the challenger gets to battle the elite 4, and Serena's gonna have to watch, not battle. 

Serena: I'll be watching you, I promise. Just battle your hardest for me, Please?

Blaze: I will. *the pair kiss* 

Lighting: *thinks* (This is making me sick!)  

Korrina: Something wrong, Lightning? 

Lighting: I lied to Serena about you and I being a couple. 

Korrina: Yeah, I was there at the time. How did you get it past Serena?!?!?!

Lightning: I had to lie so she wouldn't get suspicious! You saw how she acted! 

Korrina: Well, you better tell the truth because if she finds out, she'll literally tear you limb from limb!

Lightning: Alright, but if I fall, you're coming with me!

Lighting gets nervous and slowly approaches Serena. 

Lighting: *sighs* Here goes nothing. *taps serenas shoulder* Serena?

Serena: Yes? 

Lighting: I got something to tell you. 

Serena: Anything. 

Lighting: I-I lied to you last night. 

Serena: What? 

Lightning: I lied to you about Korrina being my girlfriend. The truth is, we literally just met. Last night before we came home.

Serena: Why didn't you tell me?

Lighting: I panicked when I saw how angry you were, and I didn't want to make it worse for her or James. I wasn't even thinking straight. I'm sorry.

Serena: Hey, It's ok. I don't care that you just met. I shouldn't have lost my temper. You're a very sweet guy, who always treats girls with respect. But yeah, It does make me sad when you lie to me. 

Lightning: Can you forgive me? 

Serena: Of course. Because you told me the truth.

She and Lighting hugged. 

Blaze: I'm glad you came clean, Lighting. Honesty is always the best policy. 

Lightning: Thanks. now lets go, sign ups close in an hour. 

The four went to the sign up stall and Blaze and Lighting register. They met the Elite 4 at the top of prism tower.  They were Malva, Winkstrom, Seibold and Drasna. The Champion, Diantha, also made an appearance. If a challenger defeats all 5 trainers, they will be crowned the new champion. 

Episode done. It looks like things are gonna get heated. What will the battle be like? Only time will tell.

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