Season 5 Episode 8

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The Story so far
Blaze had a grueling battle against Silver and his grunts. Silver tries to capture Grace and Serena but thankfully they escaped and got Viola to help. Viola tried to save Blaze from an attack by Silvers Feraligatr and Typhlosion but was nearly strangled to death by Silver. Blaze thankfully was able to save her life but collapsed due to the amount of energy used in the battle and the combined attacks from Silver's Pokémon.

The episode begins NOW!!!!!!

We Find Blaze, Serena, Grace and Viola at the family home. Blaze had used up a ton of energy in the fight and is currently sound asleep.

Blaze: *groans* ugh. Damn. Please don't tell me.

Serena: *holds Blaze's hand* It's Ok, Love. I'm here.

Inside Blaze's mind

Blaze: Ugh! Ow. Where the hell am I?

Lighting: DO I seriously have to go over this again!?!?

Blaze: What are you doing here?!?!?! Get out of my head!

Lightning: Hey, Calm down. Listen.

Blaze: Fine.

Lightning: Hey, the reason I want beserk is because of my demons!

Blaze: What?!?!?! Why didn't you say anything?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Lightning: Because I don't want anyone to think I'm a monster!!!!! And now Korrina doesn't know and she's trapped with me!

Blaze: I-I, Oh God! What was I thinking?!?!?!

Lightning: Is there a way for her to be set free?

Blaze: Maybe. Did you get the chance to talk to Korrina?

Lightning: Yes, but.

Blaze: It's time she heard the truth. ANd she deserves to hear it from you.

Lightning: But, she'll think I'm a demon.

Blaze: Not if you're honest with her. Regardless of what she thinks, she'll value your honesty and you'll always be together.

Lightning: Will doing it set us free?

Blaze: Maybe.

Lightning: Allright, I'll do it.

Blaze: Good luck, bud.

Lighting: you too. Kalos needs you.

Blaze suddenly woke up.

Blaze: Well, that was fucking weird.

Serena: Language!!!

Blaze: Ugh! I literally just woke up! I don't need to hear this!

Serena: You need to stop swearing! Youre swearing in front of mom!!!

Blaze: Oh, *mumbles* motherfucking shit ass damn-. *uses every curse in existence.

Serena: Oh my god!!!!!

Blaze: What?!!??!?!??!

Serena: you- You just-?

Blaze: said every swear in the book?

Serena: Yeah! I can not believe you did that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace: Young man, you are grounded for two weeks!

Blaze: Oh, mom! I can't be grounded! Team Rockets on the loose and I have to stop them!

Grace: After Team Rocket is down, you're grounded for two weeks!

Blaze: Oh, Fucking shit!

Serena: SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!? LANGUAGE!!!!!!!

Blaze: Hey, take it easy, will you?!!??

Serena: You better stop swearing, otherwise you'll be grounded longer!

Blaze: Why am I grounded for swearing!?!?!?!!?!?

Grace: You swore in front of me!

Blaze: Is there a way for my grounding to be revoked?

Grace: If you stop swearing.


Serena: Hey, calm down. It's OK. It's OK.

Grace: You know what? I'll revoke your grounding. I just want you to control your swearing. Thats all. Alright?

Blaze: Yes, mom. I'm sorry.

Grace: Come here. *the pair hug and kiss each other on the lips*

Viola: Hey, James?

Blaze: Yes?

Viola: Thank you for saving my life. I'll make sure to put in a good word for you at the school.

Blaze: No problem.

Back at the Team Rocket base

Giovanni: Silver, you fool! You failed me, and now you've paid the price of it with your life!

Giovanni: Well, I won't let that stop me! He He He. This Pokémon will do what Silver couldn't. MewTwo!!!!!

The armored Pokémon appeared once more.

MewTwo: I've got the hostages as per your request.

The hostages behind MewTwo are May, Misty, Shauna and Dawn all tied up and gagged

Giovanni: Excellnt, MewTwo! Now lock them up. Individually!

MewTwo: As you wish.

The girls tried to sqirm away and screamed at the top of their lungs, but their gags made it impossible.

Misty: MMMMPPH! (Help!!)

May: MMMPH! MMMMPH!!!! (Let us go!)

Dawn: MMMMPH! MMMMPH! MMMPH! MMMPH! (What are you doing?!?!? Let us go!!!)

Shauna: MMMMPH!!! MMMPH!!!!!!!! MMMMPH!!! (James, Help us!!!!!)

Giovanni: Ugh!!! Will you girls stop shouting?!!?!?!?!?! *slams his fists on his desk and the girls piped down*

Giovanni: Thank you. Now Mewtwo, knock them out!

Mewtwo: As you wish, Master!

Mewtwo uses physic and knocked the girls into each other, knocking them out and giving them each a concussion. He then proceeds to place each one in a far away cell.

Misty: mmph. (owww!)

May: mmph! mmmmph! (owwww! OWWWW!!!)

Shauna: mmmph. mmmph. mmmph! mmmph! (Not again. Why did this happen to me, again?!?!)

Dawn: mmmph! Mmmph! (Someone, help us!)

Man, that was awful! Four of the girls were captured and the armored Pokémon was the legendary Mewtwo! I hope everything was resolved soon.

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