Season 1 Episode 3

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The Story so far
Paul tried to kidnap James and dispose of him but he escaped and Paul was arrested and charged with First Degree kidnapping. He was sentenced to 5-10 years in Prison. Paul was furious and intends on getting revenge.

The Episode Starts, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It had been weeks since Paul's trial, and everything was back to normal. Without Paul, things were better than normal. Trainers were no longer worried about being bullied by the purple haired prat.

We join James in his first class.

Prof. Oak: Now I want everyone to finish reading the novel by the end of the week. Have a nice day!

Everyone ran out like a herd of Tauros.

James walked to the computer lab to conduct research on the author. He was in there for a while, taking notes and typing in websites.

Suddenly the classroom alarm blared.

James: Huh? *checks his phone* HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! I MISSED MATH!!!!! Oh man, Prof. Rowan's gonna kill me!!!!!!!!!!!

James dashed out of the computer lab and rushed to Prof. Rowans class. When he arrived, everyone was gone.

James: Oh, great. Class was already over and Prof. Rowan probably left to report me absent to Principal Cynthia. Oh geez, I'm doomed. One mistake and I miss an entire class! One! Can this day possibly get any worse?!?!?!?!!?!?

Suddenly gunshots fired from behind him. James was knocked out immediately with blood pouring out of his back in several places.

???: Mission complete!! *disappears*

Meanwhile with the gang

Serena: Has anyone seen James? He wasn't in math class and Prof. Rowan was absolutely furious!

Ash: No.

Barry: Not me.

Clemont: I did see him heading towards the computer lab.

Dawn: The computer lab?

Gary: Why would he---?

Suddenly the emergency alarm blared! Everyone was in shock! Soon all the teachers were evacuating the students into the safe zone.

Dawn: Ms. Juniper? What's going on?

May: Is everything ok?

Serena: Where's James?

Prof. Oak: Settle down, everyone! A school shooter has entered these grounds and shot James from behind in point blank range.

Everyone gasped!

Serena: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!


Gary: I'LL BEAT HIM TO A PULP!!!!!!!!

Prof. Oak: SILENCE!!!! The Kalos SWAT team is arriving now. Remain here until It's safe.

Serena: But I can't!!! I'm worried about James!!!! *sobs*

Drew: Don't worry Serena, James will be fine. (I hope)

The Kalos SWAT Team arrived and armed with their weapons searched the entire school for the perpetrator. But despite their best efforts, they couldn't. Everyone was very confused. Soon after the SWAT Team left, everyone was debating who could have attacked James. Paul was the only person on everyone's minds but now people are debating how he could have done this. 

Meanwhile James was transported to Luminous Memorial Hospital. The doctors are doing emergency surgery to help him.


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