Season 1 Episode 7

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The Story so far
James and May were playing at the Special Olympics end of season tournament at Couriway Town. They were dancing at the ball when there was a massive explosion, killing many partners and athletes. A memorial has held to commemorate them, and James and May were devastated by the ordeal. They had to go through counseling to deal with what happened. 

The episode starts NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James had just returned to school and life returned to normal. Everyone showed him support and he thanked them for it. The attack on Couriway Town was so devastating it took a long time for everyone to accept it. It wasn't easy, especially for those who were there. All of the athletes gave some part to the school and there was a struggle to find new athletes and partners to replace them. Like I said, It wasn't easy.

With everyone at lunch.

Gary: How r u holding up, mate?

James: I'm getting there. All I need to do is keep moving forward.

Serena: I'm glad. *kissed James on the cheek and strokes his arm*

Ash: So, who do you think is behind this attack?

James: Probably the same jerk who tried to assassinate me!! He probably wanted to test the prototype of a hand-made bomb made from the meteorite we found.

Barry: This is absolutely ridiculous! First he tried to shoot James to death and now he tried to blow him up?!?!?! He's gonna pay a fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James: It wouldn't make much difference. That guy won't stop until he wants me dead, and he will do anything to ensure that I'm gone! Besides, Paul's the one who started it and he won't ever stop hating me! Not until I move far away from here or I'm dead!

May: We won't stand for it!!!!!! We'll protect you no matter what!!!!!! Right, guys?

Everyone else: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James smiled. He was thankful that everyone was able to support him through thick and thin.  He continued his lunch and everything ran on schedule.

Meanwhile at the Courmarine City Research Center.

The scientists there were studying the meteorite 24/7. They conducted all sorts of tests and recorded data in notebooks and computers. The head scientist contacted Principal Cynthia and informed her that there is an unknown power inside and also to warn her not to let any of her students near the meteorite unless It is safe. Principal Cynthia assured him that there is nothing to worry about and that James will be able to protect them. She also mentioned James' past adventures and the disasters he has survived. The head scientist realized that James probably needs the power inside the meteorite some day. So he agreed to have James receive the power when the time comes. 

When school ended James decided to visit Paul in prison. He walked into the prison and requested Paul. When Paul walked in he was surprised to see James in the visitor booth.

Paul: Well, Well, Well. I wasn't expecting to see you here. What do you want?

James: The person you sent to assassinate me failed a second time.

Paul: WHAT?!?!!?!!?

James: The person who tried to assassinate me....

Paul: I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  BUT HOW?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?

James: I was far away from the explosion that badly damaged Couriway Hotel and killed over 50 people. Thankfully I suffered minor injuries.  I'm surprised you weren't shocked when you first saw me. 

Paul:  That incompetent scumbag!!!! Ugh!!!!!! When you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. I'll have to take matters into my own hands!

James: And how are you gonna do that? You're pretty much stuck here for the rest of your life!

Paul: I'll find a way! You mark my words! I'll have you destroyed once and for all!!!

James: Why are you obsessed with my destruction? What did I ever do to you!!??!?!?!?!?!

Paul: You ruined everything! I no longer have my Pokemon and my trainer license! You people with autism don't understand what I have to go through to be the best trainer in the world!!!!

James: There are other ways to do that!!!!! You can't just treat your Pokemon however you want! You need to show kindness and compassion! That's how to become the strongest trainer in the world!

Paul: If I do that, then my dream won't be accomplished! You sound just like Reggie!!!!! You wouldn't understand!!! You never had, and you never will!!!!!! *storms out*

James was left in complete shock! He sat there for a while and then left to talk to Reggie.

James: If Reggie knows why Paul's obsessed with power, then that way I can understand him better! I'll find him and finally make sense of everything! Then I'll have him explain everything to the others! That way, we can convince him to tread the proper path and let go of his hate and rage. It's perfect!!!!!!!

Meanwhile in the Prison

Paul was visited by Krypton. Paul looked at the black cloaked figure with a look filled with frustration and rage, his face redder than Berty the bus!

Paul: Well, what the hell do you have to say for yourself?!?!?! I gave you just one Job!! ONE FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!!! How in the hell could you fuck it all up!!!!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!

Krypton: He is incredibly resilient.  He was able to survive my Cosmotium bullets somehow, and the bomb went off at the wrong time.

Paul: That's just pathetic!!!! I grow tired of you!!! I'll take care of James myself!!!!!!!

Krypton: That won't be necessary.

Paul: Excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????!?!? I'm the one who hired you, and this is how you repay me?!?!?!!?! Who the fucking hell do you think you are?!?!!?!?!!?

Krypton: You have no idea what you are wishing for. Do you really want to know?

Paul: Show me your ugly face so I can bash it inside out!!!!!!!!!!

Krypton: Very well. *removes his hood*

Paul gasps in shock!!!!!!!

Paul: OH MY-----!!!!!!!!!!!

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All will be revealed in a future episode! Make sure to stay tuned!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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