Love is a Hard Thing (1)

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Remember when I said that I wouldn't start a new story until I finish my first one?

You can tell I was lying.

I have writer's block for the 4th chapter but I already wrote an end to one of the characters.


A door opened, revealing a library. More like an old, dusty library.

Maki gritted her teeth, "Why are we here?" Kaede walked into the room, "We're looking for a book." 

"So you invited all three of us?" Tsumugi pointed at herself, Maki, and Himiko. Tsumugi then placed her hands together, "I thought we were going to get the new manga from the store, or we were going to help pick out a cosplay."

"Yeah, or maybe practice my new magic spells."

Kaede scratched her head, "Well, I did say we were going to the library. Anyways, the teacher allowed us to go in here so we better find this book."

"Fine." The other three girls say, unenthusiastically. Himiko placed her hand on the rim of her hat, "Nyeh, what does this book look like?"

Kaede tapped her chin, "I believe it's a brown book titled, 'Love is a Hard Thing'."

"It sounds like a love story," Tsumugi added. Maki crossed her arms, "That's the worst name for a romance story."

"You don't read romance."

"You don't know that."

"Look, the faster we find this book, the faster we can get out of here," Kaede said, looking at a stack of books right next to her.

"Aye aye."

They scatter across the library, looking for the book. A book was picked up, looked at, and placed back down.

Minutes passed which led to an hour.

Kaede's 'brown book' description meant nothing if almost all the books are brown. All they could go by was the title now. Either way, they kept looking and searching for the book.

"Nyeh, are we getting paid to do this? I mean, I can use my magic to easily find it but my MPs low." Himiko placed another useless book down to look at another. The other two stopped what they were doing, thinking about what she just said.

Maki placed her hand on her cheek, leaning against it, "I don't want to be here to look for a romance novel for nothing." She muttered.

Kaede sighed, "I guess...I'll owe you back?"

They all shrugged, "Seems fair enough."

Just as they came up with the deal, Tsumugi found something that caught her eye, "Oh, I found it!" She pulled out the book from the shelf.

Everyone huddled around her. Kaede pulled part of the book closer to her, "It had to be as soon as I made the deal."

Maki sighed in relief, she couldn't go another minute looking for something like that.

Tsumugi flipped through the first few pages of the book, but the pages were blank. She raised an eyebrow, "Kaede, you wanted a plain blank book?"

The pianist looked at the white pages, "I don't understand." She said, confused.

"So we wasted time, what a pain, I could've been practicing new spells for my magic show." Himiko complained. Maki was silently pissed that she spent an hour of her day looking for a book that had nothing.

Tsumugi picked up the book to look at it closer, "There's something written at the end of the book." She moved her eyes across the words, "Time to make your own story."

Maki cringed, "That's it, a D.I.Y kit? I'm going home." She turned her back towards the door to leave.

"Wait, what is happening?" Tsumugi dropped the book onto the ground which was opened to a random page of the book.

Maki went toward the door to twist the knob, only for it to be locked. Who the hell locked the door? She silently cursed to herself and spun back around to see a bright beam illuminating the library. They all back away from it.

"Why is it glowing?" Kaede asked. Himiko jumped up, "It's because of my magic."

"Not a time for self-appreciation!"

Everything in the library began to scatter everywhere. Books began to be thrown across the room. They all duck to their knees to avoid the books.

"Nyeh, this is NOT my magic, this is black magic! The worst kind of magic!" Himiko covered her head.

Tsumugi felt like she was getting pulled. She looked at the light which seemed to be pulling her into it. Her hand reached out to the closest thing to her, Himiko's leg. Himiko shrieked at this sudden hold.

"I'm going towards the light, I don't want to die such a plain death! That's how that racecar bug guy died!" Tsumugi gripped harder around Himiko's shin.

This did not stop the light from dragging Tsumugi, and now Himiko, into the light. Maki and Kaede crawled over to grab each one of Himiko's hands.

They pulled at her arms trying to move them away from the beam. But it was no use, the light had a greater pull on them. They were all sucked in, never to be seen again.


Man, I hate it when I open a book and get sucked into it.

Also, guess who has Twitter? Me.

My account is rowen11037, you can follow me if you want, but you can't see my stuff unless you're following me. Also, hey you might even see my face I mean, I already showed off my voice.

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight!🔦

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