Eating Soup Shouldn't be so Dramatic

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Requested by: FinalIdiot

Let me just say, I loved writing this. I loved it so much I let my sister read it.


Tenko sat alone at the school’s cafeteria, only with a bowl of soup in her grasp. She stared at the warm soup in front of her. The types of soups are endless, yet she chose the most common one, chicken noodle.

Why did she choose this one? There were many options for soups, the chef was the fucking Ultimate Chef, yet she chose the most simple one, chicken noodle.

The spoon rested inside of the bowl, staring her down at her poor decision. It’s making her feel bad. But is it the soup that’s making her feel bad or was it another reason?

Maybe because she only bought one bowl of soup. The soup is lonely. Only going to be eaten alone without any more of its kind watching. What if it wanted to be eaten with his family or its lover? Only for the soup to be scooped up and put into her bowl, the bowl she was about to eat. Its family must be saddened to see their soup child/parent leave them to be killed, eaten, never to be seen again.

The aikido-master frowned at the fact that she was about to eat the chicken soup. What if she just...doesn’t eat the soup? But that would be a waste even if its family wanted it to live. At least die with a purpose, goddammit! Filling someone's hunger is dying with honor!

Tenko still felt...empty, like she was missing something.

She looked around at her surroundings looking for one of her female classmates. She was the one alone. Nobody is there eating soup with her for lunch. The table she was sitting at only was her upperclassmen or the students from 79-B.

Alone. Just like soup. She was alone. Eating food alone isn’t fun, she at least wants to talk to one of her classmates. But, where are they if they’re not in the cafeteria? Eating lunch together? Without her?


A rumbling sound was heard. Her stomach was hungry. Her gaze looked back at the soup. She doesn’t want to eat the soup, they have too many things in common. Eating the soup would be losing a friend, then she would just be...alone. With the chicken noodle soup, she isn’t alone, she has a warm bowl right next to her to hug.

Yet, once it’s cold it wouldn’t be good anymore. There’s only one option. The worst option of them all.

Eating the friend she just made.

She shed a tear as she picked up the spoon filled with the soup. Apologizes repeatedly under her breath as she eats the soup. Tenko put the spoon back into the bowl and saluted, “You’ll be missed, chicken noodle, you will be missed.” She picked up her bowl to put it away in the dish disposal.


“Weren’t we supposed to eat with Tenko today?” Kaede asked as she leaned on her desk. Maki and Himiko shook their heads, “Do you not know what happens on Soup Saturday every two weeks?” Himiko asked the confused pianist.

“No, is there something I'm supposed to know?”

Maki cringed, “She would invite every one of the girls to eat soup but the first time most of us went, she was crying about the soup and it’s whatever family. She even told us to stop eating the soup while hers was watching.” She crossed her arms, “Basically we can’t eat normal soup without her being dramatic and us starving ourselves to make her happy.”

“Nyeh, and she invited us!” Himiko lashed out, “She invited us and wouldn’t let us eat until the soup was cold! Why even?!”

Kaede scratched her cheek and sweatdropped, “Okay, maybe it was a good idea for not going.”

And so, the girls in class 79-A didn’t go to the cafeteria to eat with Tenko because soup brings another side of Tenko. A side that they never want to see.

One thing all the girls of 79-A can agree on...

Eating soup shouldn’t be so dramatic.


Hope you enjoyed it!

🔦Make sure you carry a flashlight!🔦

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