He asks you out

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He nervously walked up to your mansion's door. Sebastian stays behind him waiting to see if Ciel was going to knock.
After 5 minutes of waiting for his master to knock, he finally got tired of waiting. He slammed his first on the door 3 times.
Ciel eyes widened at his butler's actions the started hitting the poor butler in his ribs with his fists.
"SEBASTIAN?! why did you do that you know I'm not ready to ask out (Reader)!" Ciel yells punching him harder.
You opened the door, suddenly both men stopped and looked over at you.
"My master has something to ask you Miss.(Last name)" Sebastian smirked then walks back to the carriage to give you two alone time.
Ciel glares at his butler then looks at you nervously "Um,..(Reader) I was wondering...if you would like to go on a date?" he manges to say.
"Oh Ciel I would love to" you say squeaking excited then hugged him.
He hugs back, at the corner of his eye he saw his butler giving him a thumbs up winking at him.
"Damn butler" he mutters, you hear him muttering pulling away from the hug then say "What was that Hun?".
Ciel quickly pulls you back into the hug "Nothing love".


"Today is the day" Alois thinks to himself, he has been planning this day for weeks now.
Today was the day that The Earl Alois Trancy was going to ask you out.Claude drove the carriage through town and into the woods towards your manor were you and your...interesting family lived.Claude stopped the carriage at your front door.
Claude got up from his station in front of the carriage and joined Alois in the back.
"Do you need a few minutes to collect yourself, sir?" he says staring at his master.
"Yes, tell (Reader's) family I will be in there in a few minutes".His butler gets out of carriage and knocks on the door to be greeted by your father.Your father escorts Claude into the house leaving Alois with his own thoughts.
"Maybe I should go in there soon?...but how am I going to ask her out? I have been planning this day for about 3 weeks now and I'm still really nervous" he thinks.
Alois smirks to himself finally getting an idea, he opened the door of carriage and walked into your house.
He sees you and your 2 sister lounging on the living room couch, Alois quickly grabs your hand.He drags up to your room as you protest.
He shoves you in the room and follows behind, then closed the door behind him.
"What the heck Alois?!" You hissed at him, Alois suddenly grabbed both of cheeks your looking deep into your eyes.
"(Reader) this Sunday me and you are going on a date.I'm your master, so you can't say no" Alois purrs.
He then leaves the room with you standing there shocked.


You had just came back from a day at the Phantomhive manor, with Sebastian of course.
You walked up to your bedroom very tired after the day you had with Sebastian. You and him toke care of his master, and baked a velvet love cake (if that even exists lol).
You opened the door to the master bedroom of the manor.You layed out you night gown at end of your bed.You strip down then walk into your shower, letting the hot water run down your aching body.You sigh in bliss as you continue with your shower.


You step out of the shower, then started drying yourself off.You reach for your night gown but find something unexpected on top of it.
On top of your night gown was a black rose with a note under it.You raise an eyebrow slowly opening the note............

Dear, (Reader)

You may be wondering who wrote this note, it's me Sebastian. I'm not really good at this sorta thing so I'll just come out and say it.I really like you, and I want to know if you would like to go out sometime? Leave the note with your answer on your window.


You quickly write YES in all capital then open your window setting the note on the outside.You lay down on your bed slowly drifting to sleep.


You sat at your desk filing papers of new deaths the Reapers needed to take care of.You swirled around in your chair and open the filing cabinet right by your desk. Thumbing through the files, filing all the new death files from A-Z.
After filing all the paperwork, you pulled out a certain reaper's file.Setting it on your desk you open the file, "GRELL SUTCLIFF" was writen in red marker on the front.
You looked at his picture grinning at the picture and lightly giggled.
"(Reader)!!!BASSY REJECTED ME AGAIN!!" a certain man runs into your office crying.
He ran over hugging you then sat in your lap, he buried his face in your neck crying even harder.
You rapped your arms around his waist rubbing his back as he let his hot tears stream down your neck.
"It's okay" you whispered over and over again hugging him even more.
After a few minutes of trying to calm him down, he stopped crying then looked up at you.He buried his face back in your neck then muttered.
"Why are you so good to (Reader)?"
"Because you're my friend" you reply simply.
"So we're just friends?" he says back, "What else do you want be?" you asked confused.
"(Reader) will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered in your ear."Yes, Grell I'll be your girlfriend" you say taking arms off of his waist but put them around his neck instead.
"You have to go reap some new souls you should get going" You say pushing Grell off you, handing him the file.
He smiles the leaves your office, while you smile back at him.

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