Most romantic thing he has ever said to you/ FIRST KISS!

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Ciel kneed down to your level, as buried you buried face in your hands letting tears stream down your face."(reader) look at me" Ciel grabs your chin gently making you look at him."(reader) you're the most beautiful girl I have ever meet .Lizzy only said all those mean things to you because she knows I really do love you more an anything. When my parents died I thought I would never be happy again but then I meet you.And you made my whole world brighter, and worth fighting everyday for .When I'm around you my chest tighten, I start to panic because I'm afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing and you will run away.I guess I'm trying to say is that I love you more than anything" he says then gently kisses you.


"My god I love you so much right now (Reader). You're the best thing that has happened to me.I know sometimes I can be a total ass face, but you're making me become a better person each day.I love every part of you from your personality to your big tits (lol :3).You make feel better about my past even though it was pretty messed up...You love every part of me and I love every part of you" Alois says then hugs you from behind in the kitchen. "You want me to make you a sandwich right?" You sigh . Alois nods and grins at you like a child "Thank you" he says then kiss your lips deeply leaving the room.


"Why do you love me, Sebastian?" You say as you layed next to him . Sebastian looks over at you, then rolls on top of you looking you deeply into your eyes."What's not to love about you? Your eyes are the most beautiful shade of (eye color), your smile brightens everyone's day.The way you give up your future for others, lose your dreams just to help someone else then become stained with despair...yet you shake off your past to move forward and fight reality with your beaty and you never lose your true self" Sebastian says then kisses your cheek then your lips.


You sat at your desk fiddling through new paperwork as Grell sits in front of you admiring your work ethic."You know what I love about you (reader)?" Grell say scooting his chair closer to you.You stop what you're doing and turn to look at him "What would that be?"."Well, you're not afraid to speak you're mind even though you can be shy at times.You always know how to make me feel better about myself and everyone else. You can work hard but still be fun at the same time. Not to mention you're incredibly beautiful.No matter how much love I put into this relationship, I always love you even more than it seems like" after he finish his sentence you quickly pull him into a kiss.Grell deepens the kiss then pulls away "I think you need to finish that paperwork before we can finish what we started".You nod then quickly filed everything as fast as you could.

(I worked part a Sebastian quote into his scenario, who ever finds it first I'll leave a shout out on my profile!)

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