When you get hurt

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I published my Q and A book, if you have questions for me go check that out- Author~chan


One afternoon you were walking to the dinning room for lunch, right when you were about to step onto the stairs. Someone pushed you making you tumble down all 26 wooden steps. You cry out in pain as you reach the last step. Ciel runs out the dinning room after hearing you scream, followed by Sebastian. At the top of the stairs stood Alois, giggling.
"You should be more careful next time, (Reader)" Alois smirks then runs off.
"Get that brat (lol levi mode) out of my manner, Sebastian. I'll take care of (Reader)" Ciel runs your side, while Sebastian goes to find Alois.
"Can you sit up?" He asks concerned.
You try sit up, beginning to whimpering out in pain.
Ciel sighs, picking you up carefully trying not to hurt you. He then takes you to your room, the servants also came to help with your now sprained ankle.


"(READERRRR) COME BACK HERE!!" Alois yells chasing you through his manner.
Your boyfriend was currently chasing you because you stole his lucky pair of short shorts. It really pissed him off, but you found it really funny when he was mad. You looked behind you, then began to run faster seeing that Alois was catching up to you. You run into a wooden hallway, in the middle of the hallway was a random napkin. You slip on the napkin, and land on your back.
Alois panics, "Are you okay my angel?" He comes to your side.
You try to sit up, but began to wince in pain; you shake your head in response.
"I'll carry you only if you give back my shorts" Alois pouts crossing his arms.
You sigh handing him, his girl like booty shorts. Alois smiles then picks you up taking you to your room.


You carefully climbed up the tree, trying to rescue your cat from the tall tree. You and Sebastian were currently on a picnic date in the garden. You decided to being your kitty with you, Ciel allowed it as long as it was away from him. But sadly a squirrel chased your kitten up a tree, so you volunteered to climb up and get her. You step onto the branch your cat was resting on. You started scooting closer and closer tell she was in your arms.
"CRACKKKKK" the tree limb made a horrible noise then fell off the tree along with you and your cat.
The cat was resting it's face on your chest for protection (boob protection, BTW the cat still hasn't learned to land on it's feet yet xD). You landed on you back on the hard ground with the tree branch under you.
"SEBASTIANNNNN!!" you scream loud enough so he could hear you.
Sebastian comes running at lightning speed to your side. He takes the kitten off of you and sets it on the ground beside you.
You look at your left arm, seeing it was turning a dark shade of purple with a few cuts.
Sebastian shakes his head, "I should have gone up that tree" he helps you up.
Sebastian takes you back to your house then called a doctor to come look at your arm.


You sighed happily as you stirred your steaming hot cup of coco. It was finally fall, you were glad all the hot weather was over. You weren't a big fan of sweating and having heat strokes. You carefully pick the hot mug up about to take a drink, when you hear a loud scream somewhere in the house. You spill the boiling hot coco all over you chest then drop the mug. Making it break into little pieces, you scream feeling your skin burning. You run upstairs to the bathroom, you quickly strip off your clothes and throw open the shower curtain...in the shower was Grell and his um..little chainsaw was showing.
"GRELL GET OUT I'M BURNING!!" you yell angry, making Grell run out of the shower terrified. You got into the shower turning on the cold water, it soothed your hot burns.
You walk out of the bathroom to see Grell in your room sitting on the bed with a tube of burn cream in his hand.
This time he was fully clothed, "Um..sorry I screamed honey, but there was an ant in the shower..I didn't know that you would spill coco all over yourself" Grell nervously chuckles.
You glare at him then take the burn cream out of his hands,"Go clean the glass downstairs".
Grell nods then leaves the room, let's just say it took you a while to forgive him for his little panic attack over a tiny little ant...

I hope you guys liked this chapter! For the napkin slip in alois's scenario that actually happened to me during school. I had to go home because I hit my head really hard xD people called me napkin ninja for the rest of the school year..Anyway I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support you guys have given for this story. It means a lot to me, don't be afraid to PM me, I always love talking to you guys! Also to my friends, Rachel_The_Reaper, DillenBear, and Teh_Weird_fishy I love you guyssss! :-) Thank you for supporting me through tough times and making me happy! (I'm sorry if I didn't include someone's username, it's really late so I can't really think of any other users at the moment)

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