I'm back! :)/ He does to help you stop cutting

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Hey guys, I'm back as you can see by the title. I think I'm getting stronger everyday. So, I think I'm going to be continuing my work on wattpad because of somethings. I will tell you the reasons why I am continuing then I will begin the actual chapter.

Reason 1: You guys and my followers, I think that you guys had some involvement in my short healing process. Thank you, to all the people who have comment on that last chapter, sent me a private message, and even said very nice things about me on my message board. I appreciate it a lot.

Reason 2: I enjoy writing very much. Even though, I really suck at writing sometimes. I really do enjoy, writing stories, scenarios, and other things. It entertains me a lot, and I'm not gonna let people make me stop doing what I love.

Reason 3: My friends c: they helped a lot, one of them even comment on my last chapter. So, it's mostly thanks to him and the rest of my friends. I'm very glad that I started talking to him and my other friends. They make me happy more anything in this world

So, yeah I'm done listening to what other people say. If people on wattpad, and outside of wattpad don't like me then they can suck my dick. If people like me, then that's great! I've wasted so much time on focusing on what other people think of me that I'm missing out on being happy. I'm gonna try my best not to care, but I'm gonna have some trouble with it at first. It's worth the trouble though, if I'm finally going to be happy with my life and myself. So thank you guys, again for helping me through this tough time in my life. Thank you to my friends (you guys know who you are xD) Nowwwww, on to the scenario!


Pays for you to get counseling, and makes sure you're feeling happy everyday.


Searches your room and takes away every blade you have, and counseling.


Studying couseling books and becomes your own counselor. And calls you beautiful when you wake up and when you go to bed.


Couseling and tells you that he loves you/ cares about you every day.

Yes, I know it's really short but I'm very tired because of shopping and stressing out about my heart. I'm getting my heart and lungs checked out next week, so wish me luck! There might be something wrong with both them =^= - Maddy

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