You see him cry for the first time

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(I cried so hard while making Ciel's.Special thanks to paytonotaku she was the one who first got me into black butler, and she's one of my best friends! :p)
You walked through the hall in Ciel's manner, towards his bedroom.It was the middle of the night and everyone was sleeping. But something wasn't right, you put your ear up to the door and listened.Inside you could hear Ciel quietly sobbing and whimpering.You quickly try to open the door, but it was locked "Ciel please let me in" you say loud enough for him to hear you."Is anyone else out there?" he choked through his sobs."No it's just me Ciel please let me in" you pleaded.After a few moments Ciel started to unlock the door.He appeared in the doorway with his long night shirt on, tears streaming down his face.You stared at his face feeling heartbroken, he grabbed you by the wrist pulling into the room closing the door. The room was dark, the only light source was the moon shining through the open curtains."(Reader) why did they have to die?'s not fair why did they have to die and I have live on trying to pretend everything is okay? Even though I'm so broken inside...People just expect me to some sort of genius but I'm really not I'm just some stupid kid who lost his parents...why do you even love me if I'm such a coward?..." He sobs between his words.You pull him into a tight hug "Ciel what happened that day with parents...I know I won't even begin to understand that feeling of pain and lose. But I can tell you this Ciel...I can help you whenever you need it, I'll help you pick up the broken pieces and glue them back together.I love you because you make a better person than I used to be.I love you because you make life better.I love you because if you weren't mine life wouldn't be worth living at all.You're not a coward at all Ciel, sometimes people need to cry that's what makes us human.I love you because you're yourself.Not because everyone thinks you're some genius that knows everything" You whisper.He stands there in shock at what you said, not knowing what to say instead of saying something he gently kisses you lips in thank you.You pull away from the kiss, wiping the remaining tears off his face."Let's go to bed now, it's getting late" you say laying on the bed.Ciel crawls onto the bed cuddling your whole body "Goodnight my love" Ciel says kissing your forehead. "Goodnight Love you Ciel" you say kissing his nose.


"Alois" you called looking around his manner.No one was home except you of course, but you couldn't find Alois anywhere. You opened the door to his room no one was in there, he wasn't in the bathroom, kitchen, or even outside."Maybe he's in the basement" you muttered, yes it was a strange place for him to be in but who knows.You walked down the steps of the basement, the air smelled strongly of tea."Alois are you down here?" You say loudly walking past the shelfs stopping by the third one.You could hear a voice whimper "I'm right here (Reader)" the person's voice cracked.There was Alois sitting on the ground head buried in his hands. You quickly walk over to him sitting down beside him.Not wanting to ask him what's wrong, which could make him more upset you stayed quiet.Alois broke the silence "(Reader)...Do you love me even though I have a terrible past?...everyone thinks I'm just a spoiled little brat because both my parents are gone and I got to keep the company...sometimes people blame me for they're death when it wasn't my fault and in the end all they wanted is money .I wasn't there to help my they weren't when those men toke me away from them.Why does everyone have to leave me?" He choked out more tears streaming down his face.You put your head on his shoulder "I love you even though you're past wasn't all that great, but I'm in love with who you are now and always will be.And if anyone thinks you're spoiled brat then they're just judge mental.People don't know the real you, that's why people judge.And you're parents deaths aren't your fault, you had problems of your own at the moment.It couldn't be helped.Alois, I'm still here and I'm never going to leave you even if you don't love me anymore or can't stand to look at me.I won't leave." You say holding his hand.Alois puts his head on top of yours "We should back upstairs it's cold down there" he says standing.He put his hand out, helping you.He smiles at you his tears were now gone, but his eyes were still red.You smile back at him pulling him upstairs for a game of hide and seek.


"Hey (Reader) can you go find Sebastian for me? I haven't seen him all morning" Ciel says looking at you from across the room.You nod feeling concerned, you walked down the hall of the manner looking into every room.He wasn't there,"Where could he be?" you say out loud.You pecked out the back door think he might have came outside with Pluto. Underneath a tree was siting Sebastian "Sebastian, Ci-" you admittedly stop speaking when you notice something wasn't right. Sebastian was twitching, not like the creepy twitch but a scared twitch. When you got closer to him, you could see and hear him more clearly. "...(Reader)...I wish I could tell you..." He whispers, his eyes red and filled with tears.You sat beside him "Please Sebastian tell me what's wrong" you pleaded."Are you sure you won't run away?" He mutters. "Yes, I promise now whatever it is please tell me" you say listening closely. "I wanted to tell you this for awhile now, but I was afraid...afraid that you wouldn't except me for who I was.Like everyone else has done...I've been wanting to tell you that I am...a demon.A little disgusting demon, that hurts everything it touches. I understand if you don't love me or even like me anymore...but please don't leave me.It's just so hard to keep things like that from the person you love so dearly.You're dear to me (Reader) if I lost you I wouldn't be able to live on in this world or any other world.The pain of losing you would haunt me for the rest of my life" he finishes more tears streaming down his face.You shake your head "I would NEVER leave you over something like this.I except for who you are even though you think you have an ugly side to you.That's what makes people special, and I find it very fascinating actually. If I ever lost you I would lose my reason to get up every morning. I would live with this pain in my heart that can't be cured or rested.I don't care that you're a demon all that matters is that I love you and you love me" you say trying not to cry yourself.He smiles at you wiping his eyes, then kisses your cheek "Did my master need me for something?" He says helping you up."Yes I think he needed help tying his shoes" you say trying not to laughing . Sebastian rolls his eyes quickly running into the manner leaving you outside to enjoy the sunny weather.

Grell (you have seen him cry before, but this is when he cries for the first time while you're dating):

You walked down the hall towards your office after your lunch break.You didn't have lunch with Grell today, because he was still busy reaping souls.You opened the door to your office, eyes wide from the state it was in.Paper was were ripped and scattered all over the floor, the desk chair was across the room, but the weird thing was your desk was exactly where it always was.Instead of going to tell someone about this, you set all your things down on the couch closing the door.You walk towards your desk with extreme caution.You look around your desk to see Grell curled up in a ball crying his eyes out."I'm not good enough" he whimpered out over and over again.You sat in front of him waiting him to notice you.He looks at you with a face full of suffering more tears running down his face."(Reader)...Am I good enough for you?Do I truly deserve a girl like you at all?...I can't be good enough for you.I mean look at me I'm a mess I can't do anything right.William has been saying that I don't deserve your love at all because of how worthless I am. Maybe he's right, I can't do a single reaping right without causing everyone trouble..." He whispers. There was cold silence in the room. "Grell...sometimes I think that I don't deserve you because of how good you treat me...You do deserve me I'm the one who doesn't deserve you.And what would William know anyways? He knows nothing about our relationship, so why should we listen to him" Grell starts to sit up while you talk."You're not worthless at all, everyone's is bound to make tons of mistakes in life that's what makes us stronger. We can try to be perfect but we miserably fail at it.No one's perfect, in this world or any other world" you say.Grell pulls you into a big hug not letting you go."Maybe you should help me pick up you're mess before someone comes in" you gasp for air as Grell hugs you to death.He pulls away giving you his famous smile, then starts picking up papers from the floor.After a few moments of watching, you join him.

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