When you lose power

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I'm also holding off the new characters tell I get off school, which is in about 4-5 weeks. HOPE YOU GUYS CAN WAIT TELL THEN! I have also made a bio book about me and I'm working on the next new boyfriend scenarios book.


It was a normal night in the phantomhive manner. You and Ciel will getting ready for bed after having a large dinner. You slipped into your nightgown just as Ciel came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth.
Ciel had requested that you and him spent the whole today with each other no work, and no servants disturbing you. Ciel sat on the edge of the bed taking off his ring then sat it on the bed side table.
You looked at him smiling then got under the blankets on the other side of him. He turns to you about to get under the sheets when the lights suddenly turn off.
You yelp at the sudden darkness hiding under the sheets.
Sebastian quickly enters the room with 4 lit candles "Young master it seems that the mice found the lighting wires and chewed right through them".
Ciel nods looking at you, while you peaked from under the many blankets. Sebastian sets 2 candles on his master's bedside table and 2 on your side of the bed.
You sat up from the bed enjoying the strong scent (Favorite Smell) coming from the lit candles. Sebastian left the room leaving you and Ciel alone in the fairly dark room in candle light.
"Hey (Reader)?" He says wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Yeah Ciel?" You rap your arms around his neck.
"How about we just cuddle for now? I don't feel like sleeping" Ciel says resting his chin in the creak of your neck.
"Sure I would love that" you kiss his forehead.
The both of you layed there talking about nothingness until you feel asleep.


You and Alois were cuddling on the couch watching the triplets ...be triplets. You let out a sigh clearly bored of them now. "Alois I'm bored!" You wined standing up from the couch.
"What do you wanna do then?" Alois smirks.
"How about we play hide and seek again?, but this time don't be creepy!" You say excited.
"Sounds fun, I'll go hide now start counting" Alois says running off somewhere in the manner. "1...2...3...4...5...6....7....8....9....10...ready or not here I come " you yelled so he could hear you.
You walked down the long hall way looking in each room to the next.
"Alois where are y-" you were cut off by the lights going out then a loud scream. "(READER)!" Alois runs out of a room 4 doors away from where you were.
He ungulfs you in a hug shaking "I don't like the dark" he whispers to you.
"It's okay" hugs him rocking back and fourth to calm him down. The lights sudden come back on. You lead Alois back his room trying to "cheer him up"( ;-) nothing too dirty).


You sat in Sebastian's room waiting for him to get off his shift. He has been working so much lately, but you support him through it .
Sebastian walked through the door then flopped onto his bed. "Finally done for the day" he looks at his clock '9:25 pm' says the clock.
"Was I really working for that long (Reader)?" Sebastian looks at you sadly. "Yeah kinda" you fake smiled at him. "I promise I'll spe-" Sebastian was cut off by the lights going suddenly.
"SHIT!" He runs out of the room to check on his master. He comes back with a smile in his face "He gave me the rest of the night and tomorrow off".
Sebastian sets candles around the room then lays on the bed.
"(Reader) can you give me a back massage?" He says as nicely as possible.
"Fine" you grumble, he then rolls onto his stomach.
You sat on his legs slowly rubbing his back up and down. Sebastian lets out a groan in pleasure "That feels so good (Reader)". You slightly blush at his sudden out burst but don't stop massaging him.
After a few minutes you could hear him snoring. You got off of his legs as carefully as possible trying not to wake him. You got under the covers then slowly drift to sleep in the candle light.


You and Grell were cuddling in bed right after eating dinner. The both of you were very tired after a long day of filing new reaps and reaping souls.
All you guys wanted to do was eat, cuddle, then sleep. Grell had tight red boxers on and you had a white knee length nightgown on.
"I'm so tired" Grell wines resting his face on your stomach.
"So am I" you wined back blushing as Grell rolled on top of you in only boxers. "Why does William work us so hard?" Grell questions.
"I have no idea my little reaper" you played with a couple strands of his long red hair you loved so much.
"You look so beautiful when you're tired" Grell whispers then pulls you into a kiss. One thing leads to another and Grell had you pinned down to the bed kissing your jawline.
"Grel-" you say but were interrupted by the lights in the room going out.
Grell pulls away hanging his head down in disappointment then rolls off of you.
"We should go to bed now since the lights went out and I'm tired while you're horny that's a bad combination" you roll onto your side.
Grell raps his arms around then pulls you close "Goodnight love you" he says falling asleep.
"Goodnight love you too" you say falling asleep after him.

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