When you dye your hair!

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The reason I'm writing this chapter is because I am dying my hair soon! I need your guys opinion on what color I should dye my hair. Please comment what shade of blue I should do my hair. (Different shades of blue for my hair are above. There's also a pic of my hair) I also need some various questions for my next few chapters. I will be taking questions about anything! I will be answering most of the questions as long as they are appropriate. So please, leave your questions in the comments or PM me your questions- Maddy


"Okay, okay just wait a second honey!", You say preparing for Ciel to come in the room to see your new dark blue hair.
He had just came home from an important meeting. You wanted your new hair color to be surprise so you stayed in your room with the door locked so Ciel couldn't come in.
"Well hurry your pretty ass up!", Ciel says annoyed.
You giggled then started fixing your hair again. You take a deep breath before stepping out of the bedroom to face Ciel with your new hair color. Ciel gasped dramatically staring at your hair, "I love it", he says taking a piece of your hair in his hand.
You smile in response, "Then I should start dying my hair more then?"
"Yeah, but too bright of colors. I think dark colors look sexy on you (XD I just had to put that)" Ciel nods and smirks.
You blush, "T-thanks..", you quickly walk out the room clearly flustered about what Ciel said.


"Aloisssssssss! Come here, I have a surprise for you!", You yelled from your bedroom.
That day you had secretly (without Alois knowing duhhhh) dyed your hair light pink. You were very happy with the results!
"COMINGGG HONEY!", Alois yells back and starts running upstairs.
You giggle and wait for him to come into the bedroom. Alois opens the door to meet eyes with you. He walks over to you with big eyes, Alois's face was also bright red.
"You look so cute baby.." Alois says, starting to play with your hair.
"Hehe thank you boo" you say, giggling.
"Maybe I should dye my hair the same color! Then we can be a twinning couple" He smiled, dragging you to the bathroom to help him dye his hair the same exact color as yours.


You layed in your bed waiting for Sebastian to get off work.
That day you went to the hair salon and got your hair dyed dark purple. You really loved the color of your hair now, over your natural (Dark/Light) (Color hair).
"(Y/N) I'm back!", Sebby says entering the room with tired eyes.
His eyes instantly lit up as soon as he looks at your hair. Sebastian jumps into the bed siting next to you.
"You dyed your hair, huh? Well I think you would look beautiful if you hair is dyed or not, (Y/N)" Sebastian sets your head on top on his lap while peting your hair.
"Thank you, Sebastian. Haha, you're peting me like I'm cat", you giggle at how childish Sebastian was being.
Sebastian pats your head, "Come on, let's go into town so I can show off how sexy you look" He stands up and leaves the room.
You soon followed after him, blushing from left and right on your face.


You nervously walked into the house that you were currently living in with Grell. You secretly left work early that morning without telling Grell, you had left early to go get your hair done. You had gotten red highlights in your hair, you liked how it looked, but you were nervous about what Grell would think.
"(Y/N) IS THAT YOU?!?", Grell yells from upstairs.
"YES!", You yell back in response.
Grell comes running down the stairs, but it didn't work out so well for him. He accidentally tripped over a random orange on one of the steps and comes falling down the stairs. Grell eventually faceplants onto the floor.
He quickly stands back up pouting.
"Why DI-WOAHHHHHH YOUR HAIR LOOKS VERY LOVELY!" Grell says, hugging you for no reason.
"Do you like it?" You smile, at how weird he was acting.
"Of course I do! Hehe, let's go up stairs and play with Phil! (It's your guys turtle if you don't remember!)" Grell says dragging you up the stairs.

Uhh, I spent a lot of time on this update so I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm tired sooooo goodnight, my peoples! -Me

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