Hanging out with him

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You knocked on the Phantomhive's front door, today was the day you and Ciel planned on hanging out all day.
It was like a dream come true you thought.The door opened to reveal Sebastian smiled at you warmly.
"We have been expecting you , (Reader)" he says leading you inside and into Ciel's office.
"My lord (Reader) is here" Sebastian's says opening the door.
He opened the door to reveal Ciel sitting at his desk with a REAL smile (OMG he smiles for real it's a miracle!).
"Oh come in (Reader) take a seat, Sebastian go keep an eye on the idoits" Ciel waves him out of the room.
You sit down in front of him ,"So what should we do today?" You questioned.
"How about we play some chess?" Ciel says motioning over at the chessboard.
"That sounds fun" you say.

*20 minutes later*

"Check mate!" You say smirking at Ciel who had an aw strucked face.
"You beat me" He stares at the board.Ciel looked up and smiled then started laughing after a moment you joined him.


"(Reader) I'm bored!" Alois says slamming his fist on the desk.
You walked over to his desk and leaned against it "Then what do you want to do then?".
Alois leans his head on his hand thinking about you guys could do.
His eyes light up "How about we play hide and seek?" Alois grins then covers his eyes.
"1...2...3...4 you better go hide (Reader)" he peeks out through his hands.
Your eyes widened then ran out of the room. You ran down the hall passing by Claude and into a room. "17...18...19...20...READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" Alois yells loud enough so you could hear him.
You winced as you heard footsteps coming down the hall.You held you breath as Alois passes by room down.
"(Reader)... (Reader) where are you???" He whispers. There was a long pause of silence "Found you" a voice whispers in your ear.
You scream in surprise "How did you get in here?!".
"If you haven't noticed there in another door that connects to this room" he says laughing.
"Okay I get to count now " You say covering your eyes."1...2...3...4...5.." You started counting. And the game went on like that the whole day.


"I'm going to go get us something to drink (Reader)" Sebastian says then getting off the pinic blacket the walks to the mansion and walks inside.
Today you and Sebastian were having a pinic sense today his master, was with Elizabeth so he got the day off .Sebastian came back with two cups of Tea ,he hands it to you then sit down.
"So, what is it like to work for Earl Phantomhive? " You say sipping your tea.
"Well it can be hard at times ,but it's worth it" Sebastian smiles.
"So what should we do now?" You said setting your tea down out of no where a cat come in between you and Sebastian. Sebastian picks up the kitty and starts petting it's back.
"AW she's so cute" You say gently squeeze one her paws, she purred in response. Sebastian grins at what you did then put an arm around your shoulders. You blush and smile back, the rest of the picnic the both of you obsessed over the cat.(lol just a random cat)


You and Claude were in the town with Alois. Today Alois wanted to shopping so being the "good" person he is ,he invited you to come with.
"Oh Claude let's go in this store" Alois speaks pulling the poor butler in a clothing shop.
You followed close behind when you entered the store there was a strong smell of vanilla.
"Must be the new clothes" you though to yourself.
As Alois and Claude started looking through the racks of clothing. You saw they had a small jewelry section. You looked at all the rings sure they were pretty to you ,but one thing stood out more than the whole jewelry section itself.
It was a gold necklace there was a spider charm that was the sive of baby spider. You looked at the price tag, then quickly put it down. The price tag was $800 you could never afford it with the money you brought for the day.
Claude saw that you were looking at the necklace so he went to counter and whispered something the cashier then handed the man an envelope. Claude reached in front of you grabbing the necklace the puts it around your neck. "What are you doing?" You say turning your head to look at him.
"I saw you looking at it (Reader) so I bought it for you and might I say it looks quite good on you" he smirked.
You eyes widened then you hugged him saying thank you multiple times, entell Alois yells for you two to follow him into a different store.(In case you were wondering the picture of the necklace in the media).

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