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months and months passed, and i made a new life for myself in new orleans. my emotions were back on, but i was nowhere near the happy heretic i used to be. the locals knew i was a downer, but i was kind to everyone i interacted with, so it was alright.

i had a habit of going to the same bar, rousseau's, because it was the nicest one for me. the bartender, camille was very sweet, and i considered her one of my friends. along with her, i only had one other friend.

her name was davina, and i was lucky marcel let me meet her. he recognized i was a powerful witch, and that i could be beneficial to the girl. so once a week under his supervision, i'd get to know her, teaching her certain spells and control, and the rest of the week, i'd just sneak into the attic to talk to her.

it was nice for a few weeks, and i had gotten to know her very well, but then i caught wind that a certain family had arrived to the town. the second i heard the whisper of the name mikaelson come from the witches, i went into hiding. they would bring trouble, and i was peaceful.

spending time in my apartment was lonely and confining, but i would much rather do it than face them. with my unfortunate luck, klaus had somehow beat marcel and gained control of the compound right across from my complex. i spent time observing them from my window, figuring out somewhat of what was going on.

my solitude from all the drama i quietly watched happen was broken one morning by a loud banging on my door. i looked through the peephole, then quickly opened it to see davina standing there.

"'vina! what- how did you find- what do you need?" i let her in.

"you tried to cloak yourself, but remember how i can sense magic and all that? yeah, you were probably better off just staying here doing nothing. marcel and i, and all the witches thought you left town because of the mikaelsons. but yourse staying right across from them?" she accused, and i sighed.

"look, 'vina, there's a lot that you don't know about me, and a lot of it ties directly into that family, who i left behind for a reason. smart me chose the town that they apparently built and ruled, and now they're back? forgive me for growing a small attachment to it because of you and camille. that's why i'm still here." i explained, shrugging. her eyes softened, and she looked at me.

"i need your help, and it has to do with the mikaelson family. will you help me?" she begged.

"explain what it is you need help with, and maybe." i relented. "do you want some brownies? i made some last night." she nodded eagerly, and i laughed as we walked into the kitchen.

after getting her a plate and me a glass of blood, we sat down on the couch, where she explained what was going on.

"so, klaus got all the witches pissed off, so did you, but all the originals are trapped in the cemetery, and you've been asked to free them?" i combed over the last few parts, choosing not to worry about the rest of the copious problems the family faced within their first year back, and she nodded.

"but i don't want to go back to the witches! cami wants me to help her uncle, and i'm going to do that instead, and i'm pretty sure marcel is turning to genevieve to help him with rebekah. you have to tell him you're a witch, make sure i stay free. i know that genevieve will try to get me back, and i don't want to. please, brit?" i looked at her face, which was filled with fear, and i quietly nodded. she slumped in relief, and i called marcel.

"brit! not a great time to call, you have no clue what's going on. you were wise to leave when the mikaelsons came-"

"i didn't leave." i interrupted, and i could hear him stop walking.


"i've just talked to davina. i know what's been going on, and i got the last details filled in by her. you can't exactly learn everything from being cooped up in an apartment for nearly a year." i joked bitterly. "anyways, don't go to genevieve. i can help you free rebekah." i rushed out.

"how?" he sounded skeptical.

"meet me at the cemetery, i'll be there in five." i hung up, and turned to davina.

"thank you, thank you so much." she was nearly crying, and i hugged her.

"anything for you, davina. this is for you, not for them. wait here til i get back, alright?" she agreed, and i left the house, speeding to the cemetery.

"hello again, marcel." i said as we stood in the evening light. "ready to free the love of your life or whatever?" i asked.

"you still haven't explained how you're going to do that." he said.

"call rebekah, tell her to come to the gates." i ordered, and he did. a minute later, she was standing there, and gasped at the sight of me.

"oh my god, brit!" tears filled her eyes, and i smiled sadly.

"ready to get out of here beks?" she nodded, and i held up my hand to the barrier, starting to siphon the spell away.

"you two know each other? wait, you can take away magic?" marcel asked in shock, and i looked over at him.

"surprise. i'm not a heretic by being a vampire and a witch. i can siphon magic from other magical sources or beings very easily. it's how i can still do magic as a vampire. i siphon from myself." the barrier disappeared, and rebekah threw herself into my arms.

"you disappeared after that night, klaus said not to look for you, that you needed time, but you never came back, oh my god i am so sorry for k-"

"it's not your fault." i cut in before she said his name. "i did need time, i moved here. my emotions were off for three months, but there was a very nice bartender who made me think harder, so they turned back on. i started speaking to the two factions here, and marcel let me meet davina. then i heard that you guys were in town, and i wasn't ready to face you, so i went into hiding in my apartment. i knew most of what was going on, but i wasn't fully convinced to see you all again until tonight." i told her, and she looked at me.

"i'm the one that's leaving now, brit. i'm not staying."

"what?" it was my turn to tear up.

"i let her free. she gets to live her own life." my breath caught as i heard klaus, and i looked behind me to see klaus.


"brit." we stared at each other for a good few seconds, and i opened my arms hesitantly. smiling, he walked forward and we hugged. i heard marcels noise of confusion, and i looked over to him.

"surprised to see the big bad hybrid acting like such a softie?" klaus pulled away and looked at me with mock anger.

"yes, actually." marcel drawled. "he's been nothing but mad since he stepped foot in this city."

"well i'm his best friend, i guarantee you he will not try to get mad at me. i'm just as powerful as him." i revealed.

"just as powerful as an original vampire? okay." marcel rolled his eyes.

"she is, in fact, an original vampire." a third voice said, reaching out little group, and i saw elijah looking very weak as he walked over to us. "hello again, brit."

"elijah!" i couldn't stop the tears, i was glad to be reunited with everyone. the loss of kol was the hardest hit i had ever taken, and i didn't feel ready to see any of his siblings again. those worries were gone now that i saw they were happy to have me back, and i felt a little less sad.

"how are you?" he breathed quietly as we hugged, so only i could hear.

"a bit better. it's been hard." i pulled away, and he smiled sadly.

"i promise i'll visit you guys tomorrow, but i have to get back to my apartment. davina is waiting for me there." i say. "i'll miss you so much rebekah, but i'm glad you're going to do your own thing. you deserve it." i hugged her, waved at everyone else, and sped back to my apartment.

"davina?" i called out, not hearing her heartbeat. "vina? where-" a piece of paper was left on the couch, and i read it, growing angry.

davina is with the witches, where she belongs. do not fight it.
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