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i woke up late the next morning, to my phone ringing.

"hello?" i mumbled tiredly.

"brit, how quick can you get to the bayou? where all the werewolves are?" elijah asked me.

"how the hell do you people get my numbers?" i ask in frustration.

"just answer! this is serious. there was a bombing, and several people are injured. can you get here and help?" his tone was urgent, and i properly sat up at the word bomb.

"i can be there in five minutes."

"good. see you then."

racing to get ready, i disregarded all sense of supernatural secrecy, speeding through the streets of new orleans. i reached the woods, where i could start to smell smoke. quickly deciding, i turned into my animagus and sped to the area. a few people noticed me, and i heard gasps all around as i turned back into a human.

"what are you?" hayley asked weakly as i walked up to her.

"heretic. half witch, half vampire, and the witch side is what makes me able to turn into a wolf. i'm not a werewolf." a man came up to hayley, wrapping an arm around her as he turned to me.

"who are you, and why are you here?"

"it's okay jackson, she's not bad." hayley reassured him.

"i'm brit, and elijah called me to see if i can help, i came here as soon as possible." i introduced myself. "what can i do to help?"

"nothing, vampire." a new voice snarled angrily. "why would your lot compel someone to do your dirty work for you instead of doing it yourself?" i glared at his angry tone, and stopped myself from lashing out.

"one, watch your mouth. i am not associated with any faction here, seeing as i'm not fully vampire. two, you can't blame the vampires just because you don't like them." i argued back. "i came here to help, and that's what i'm going to do." he stared defiantly, wordlessly stepping aside.

"if it was really vampires that did this, then i'm going to go talk to the one who could've organized it all. marcel." hayley declared, picking up a thick branch and breaking it in half into a stake, stalking away.

"it's lucky the bomb went off where it did." jackson began talking to me and elijah as we walked back to the main area. "anywhere else, and a lot more damage could've been caused." i surveyed the area closer as he said this, and my eyes widened in horror just as elijah yelled.

"get everyone out of here! now!"

bombs started to go off, and without thinking, i raised my hands out, yelling the first spell that came into my mind.

"accio bombs!" my hands glowed red, and all the fragments came flying into me. i groaned in pain as i fell over. all the wolves stared in shock, and unharmed, as elijah instantly was by my side.

"brit, why- what- you just could've died!" he yelled angrily and in concern.

"what are you ta-" he grabbed my hand, quickly sending a message into my mind.

"they don't know you're an original. keep it that way."

"right..." i groaned in pain as i felt the shrapnel lodged in my body move. "can i- can i siphon from you?" i asked weakly, and he held his arm out.

the wolves watched with a quiet fascination as i concentrated, using small bursts of magic to remove glass, wood chips, and metal from my body. it took about 10 minutes, and once i sat up, they started going back to treating their injured from the initial bomb.
i followed elijah into a shack, where there was an old woman who looked on the brink of death, with the angry blonde werewolf next to her, speaking softly.

"that wound should've healed by now." elijah commented.

"i could heal her. with my blood." i offered, and oliver snorted.

"vampire blood? she'd rather die. you should probably leave now anyways. thank you for saving us from the second round of bombs, but you are still part vampire. and these wolves are angry now." i looked at elijah, who just nodded in agreement.

"alright. glad i could help. i still don't think the vampires are responsible, but trust me when i say that when i find out whoever was, i'll make sure they suffer." i promised. with that, i turned into a wolf, speeding away.

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now