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i smiled wickedly as i ran around the courtyard, using my wand to not only cast spells, but stake other vampires. with the aid of my magic, it wasn't too hard for me to fight off all the vampires, but it was tiring after a bit. i had blood splattered all over me as i fought my way over to elijah.

"how come the wolves are here, yet they're doing almost nothing to help us?" i ask in annoyance, staking someone as i did.

"there are no wolves here." he dropped another vampire to the ground, and looked at me in confusion.

"well done, saving us from having to kill all these vampires! francesca came into the courtyard, growling. "and brit, it wasn't wise of you to assume everyone knew we were wolves just because you did." she snapped her fingers, and me and elijah let out matching screams of pain as her brothers kept onto us, giving us multiple bites. "give the heretic extra, she's stronger." she demanded, and i cried, unable to pull myself away from the copious amount of torture.

"you... bitch." i panted, seeing the moonlight rings they donned.

she walked forward, crouching down to give me one more bite before she looked up at her brothers.

"kill as many as you can." was the last thing i heard before my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and i passed out.

"...brit, i need you to focus." i faintly heard what seemed like hours later, but in reality wasn't that long. "brit, can you hear me?" i felt a hand grab mine, and i weakly squeezed it.

"kol?" i mumbled.

"no, it's just me. elijah." he replied with a soft voice.

"where's kol?" my brain couldn't focus, i just wanted to see kol.

"he's not here. but i am, and you are, and you can make yourself feel better." elijah guided me into a sitting position against a wall.

"it hurts." i moaned in pain, slowly becoming aware of all the bites.

"i know brit, i know. but i need you to concentrate, you can take it away. siphon the magic away." he coaxed, and i closed my eyes tight, and started to siphon.

i felt a warmth cover all of my body as i started siphoning, and when i opened my eyes a bit, i was completely surrounded by a red glow.

"how long do you think it will be before you're okay?" elijah asked as the wounds on my legs vanished. "hayley and klaus are in trouble."

"what?" i asked, more conscious, and tried to speed up the process. i stood up , and let out a yell as the red glow encapsulated me, glowing brighter and brighter. with a final push, it went out, and i stood there.

"let me siphon your bites." i offered, and held my hand out to place it on his shoulder. after a few minutes, his were gone, and we began running around the city to look for the two in danger. after we cleared most places, it dawned upon me.

"the church." we sped there, and elijah rushed through the doors.

"hayley!" he yelled.

"oh my god..." i froze as i saw klaus slumped on the ground, hayley resting on his lap. "no. no, they- she-" i fell on my knees by her. "where's your child?" i asked.

"she's gone... they're both gone." elijah had tears running down his face, klaus looked to worn out to cry, and i was shell shocked.

"how?" elijah asked as he gently picked up hayley, laying her down on the altar.

"i was bested." came klaus' quiet reply, and elijah looks at him incredulously.

"you were bested? BESTED? my invincible brother?" he yelled, and i stepped in between them.

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now