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"so, i may have met a boy." davina's voice said from the phone on the counter as i got a blood bag from the fridge the next morning, and i gasped dramatically.

"a boy? does this mean that my little davina claire is growing up?" i teased.

"i'm not little! but sure." she replied in the same joking manner. i winced as i heard klaus and elijah arguing upstairs, presumably about the dead witch body that hayley had left in her rampage from last night.

"brit, i have a question for you." davina said as i walked back into my room.

"what's up?"

"how come you've never told me a lot about your old boyfriend? the one you said died?" after a few moments of silence from me, she sighed. "sorry, that was really insensitive."

"no, it's okay, you're curious, and have every right to be." i reassured. "i'll tell you over lunch or dinner maybe?" i propose, and she gasped. "i know that wasn't a gasp to me asking that, who just texted you?" i guessed, and i heard her start walking down some stairs.

"kaleb, the boy i met! he just asked if i wanted to go out for coffee!" she sounded giddy and happy, and i smiled warmly.

"i'll hang up now, then. you have an amazing time, and don't screw hi-"

"brit!" she yelled, and i laughed, hanging up. i decided to take a walk around algiers for the day, seeing as the compund was now deserted and i had nothing to do.

i was rather content, until i saw marcel and elijah talking in the distance. marcel disappeared, and i decided to follow him. he waited in an alley, where davina came around the corner. i started to listen in to their conversation.

"how's school? have you been making any friends?" marcel asked her, and i laughed a little. he sounded like a dad.

"i mean, kind of? this one guy asked me out earlier, but he stood me up."

"he what?" i stepped out from my little hiding spot, and marcel got in a semi-defensive stance, while davina ran up to hug me.

"brit! i didn't know you were here too!" she said, and marcel looked at me, unamused.

"neither did i. but since you're here, maybe you can help davina."

"help me with what?" she asked.

"i really hate to say this, but there's a stake missing, a white oak one. and i need a locator spell to find it." he revealed, and davina's smile faded.

"which one only them put you up to this?" she said angrily.

"and why do you want to find a stake that can kill all of my family?" i added on.

"if that stake is used on klaus, every vampire that he sired will die!" i had a brief flashback of kol burning in the gilbert home, but i quickly blinked it away.

"i know. but what if i do find it? i'm not gonna give it to klaus or elijah, they're sadistic monsters!" she argues.

"i do wish i could disagree with you. however, you're quite right." elijah appeared, and davina glared at marcel.

"maybe you guys have a similar want to find the weapon?" i tried to calm the situation down. "elijah wants to protect u- his family, and davina wants to protect her friends. if we do find the whereabouts of the stake, we can do that." i tried to reason, but davina was too angry to listen.

"no! i'm done listening!" she yelled, her heart racing. "you and your family have had all the power for a long time, you manipulate and kill everyone! that time is over. now, you can know what it's like to be afraid." she finished her little rant and walked away.

"oh my god." i realised quietly. "did you know?" i looked at elijah.

"i had my suspicions, but speaking to her face to face confirmed it." he nodded, and marcel looked confused.

"what do you mean? i told you not to come here to talk to davina, and brit, i don't even know where you came from!"

"talking to davina face to face helped me confirm my suspicions. she will not help you find the stake." elijah answered, and before marcel could ask why, i explained.

"because she knows where it is. she's had it this whole time." i ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "but why?"
"the stake is technically safe if it's with davina." i start talking again as we walked down algiers.

"she won't use it on klaus because of josh or me." marcel nodded.

"and what of me? she has no reason to not use it on me!" elijah asked.

"i could tell her that you sired me." i shrug. "it's not like anyone here knows that i'm an original, besides marcel."

"okay, but how long until somebody else finds out that she had the stake? what if it falls into enemy hands?" elijah countered, and i couldn't find a good answer to that one.

"look, i can try and convince her to give me the stake. i just need some time." marcel offered.

"and if you can't trust marcel, which i know you don't, because honestly," i gave a pointed look at elijah, "neither do i. i can convince her. a few of my secrets may come up, but i can try and get her to give it back." he nodded reluctantly, and we all went our seperate ways.

brit: hey d! i know things got a little tense earlier, do you want to go to dinner to talk it out? i can also tell you more about my mysterious boyfriend from the past if you want.

davina: sounds good! really sorry about how it went down, dinner will be perfect :)
"did you know i turned down dinner with kaleb so i could be here with you instead?" davina asked as we sat at rousseau's.

"the one who stood you up? good." i quipped, and she laughed.

"he still came here nonetheless, but we're just going to ignore him. three tables down." she commented casually, and i discreetly looked over to see a bored looking boy with a book.

"he's probably trying to see who beat him to the date tonight." i guessed, and she snorted.


our waiter came with our food, and we began eating.

"so," davina started after swallowing a bite, "where did you meet your boyfriend?"

"he lived in the same village as me. we were both still human at the time." i began. i had stopped paying attention to the people around me, so neither of us noticed how kaleb had moved a seat closer, muttering a spell so he could listen to us.

"human? but you're like, almost as old as the originals, right? so this was forever ago." i nodded, and continued my story.

"we had lots of similar interests as kids,  and out of all his siblings, we got along the best."

"wait, before you continue- what was his name?" she asked, and i took a deep breath before answering.

"his name was kol. kol mikaelson."

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now