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elijah had followed me back to the compound, where i was sipping a blood bag with a sour look on my face.

"are you feeling any better?" he asked unsurely.

"i've calmed down a bit, yes. but if i see that red-haired bimbo-" the devil herself walked into the compound as i said that, and i groaned quietly.

"elijah, it's not just your father whose spirit seems to be out. the entire purgatory that holds supernatural spirits is disintegrating." genevieve explained.

"she's right. i just called a fellow witch in mystic falls, and she said that the dead are being torn away into nothingness. and they're not going quietly." i looked up in fear, thinking of one person.

"no. is it in mystic falls, the main issue?" i asked, and he barely nodded before i began talking again.

"i'm going. see you in a few days." nik tried to protest, but elijah stopped him.

"think of our brother." was all he said, and i smiled at him gratefully before speeding to my apartment, packing an overnight bag and some clothes. closing my eyes, i envisioned the alleyway behind mystic falls and disapparated.

i walked out of the alleyway silently, looking around. for the threat of impending doom, i didn't see any scared supernaturals as i walked towards the high school.

arriving, i walked through the halls, much like my first day of school, except there were significantly less people in the halls. i heard two familiar voices as i walked by a door labeled boiler room, so i stopped to listen.

"you're telling me that we might graduate right in the middle of a ghost filled expression triangle?" caroline asked, sounding like she was on speakerphone from a call.

"maybe we should cancel." bonnie replied hesitantly.

"you should go through with it. you can only experience actual graduation once." i said hesitantly while opening the door, making myself known. "hi bon bon. hey care." bonnie stared at me in shock, and i heard caroline gasp from the phone.

"brit?" bonnie stood up.

"in the flesh." i looked behind her, where i saw a body on the floor that looked like her.

"who is th-"

"okay caroline, brit is here, and i think i need to fill her in on what's going on. bye!" she rushed out, ending the call abruptly.

"bonnie. why is there a dead you on the floor?" i ask, and she sighed.

"maybe we should talk." we walked out of the room, where she summed up the problem of the other side collapsing, and how she was the anchor, and technically dead.

"that's actually why i'm here." i revealed as she started putting on a graduation robe. "i'm hoping to see-" my voice caught in my throat, and i cleared it.

"kol?" she asked, and i just nodded. "i'm scared he'll show up, but if you're here, he'll probably be more calm." we began walking through the halls again, but once again stopped as a face i hoped to never see again stepped out from the shadows.

"you know, i don't care if you're elena, katherine, or tatia. i hate you and you should probably turn around and leave before i make your head explode." i seethed.

"cant do that if i'm dead, sweetie." katherine taunted, and i growled. "besides, i'm not here to talk to you. i'm surprised you're even here in the first place. bonnie however, i would like to collect that immortality i was promised now." she said, and bonnie scoffed.

"i told you, if the witch who knows the spell is a no show, you're out of luck."

"luck!" katherine sang. "i can't disagree with you on that. i have been out of luck, while my pathetic doppelgänger is living an amazing life. so if i don't get that immortality, i might just have to take her life instead." she threatened.

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