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it was the day of the funeral for cami's uncle kieran, and i had come to pay my respects. i was walking with klaus as we both went to the coffin, and he opened it to pay his respects. we were shocked when he opened it to see a baby, and klaus reached down to pick it up. before he could, we both felt a stabbing pain, and i looked down to see a white oak stake protruding from my heart. i turned, and screamed when i saw mikael.

"that's for abandoning my no good son when he needed you."

i sat up in my bed, grasping my chest in shock. it was just a dream. warily, i dressed up in all black for the funeral, and went over to the bar for father keiran's wake.

walking in, i observed the room quickly before noticing klaus sitting with cami. they both looked very upset, so i walked over.

"what's got you so down, klaus? also cami, i'm extremely sorry for your loss." she smiled wearily, thanking me.

"as for this grump, he hasn't gone beyond the explanation of nightmares for his bad mood." cami waved a hand at klaus, and i looked at him sharply.

"nightmares? about who?" i had a sinking feeling in my gut.

"it's really nothing to worry about, just nightmares of my very dead father. childhood fears, whatever." he waved it off, but i stopped him.

"did you have one last night? specifically about today, but it ended in-"

"in the two of us being staked with white oak in front of the coffin." my eyes widened as i nodded slowly. we sat in a contemplative silence as cami went to talk to marcel, who then made a little speech about kieran. we all raised our glasses in a toast, and my eyes followed cami who was stopped by a woman. she left the room visibly angry after the altercation, but before i could stand up, elijah came over to the table me and klaus were sitting at, and began talking with nik.

"seems distasteful to dance so happily around a dead body." klaus commented dryly.

"oh and i'm sure you've never done something as dastardly as this." i replied sarcastically, and he shot daggers at me with his eyes as we had a heated stare down. we were both in a bad mood due to the dream we had last night, but i suspected he was more upset due to the fact that he's had multiple nightmares. hayley came over to our table, and elijah warned her of our bad moods, causing me to snap my head towards him.

"forgive me for being upset, elijah! it's not like in the past few days, i got painfully reminded of the dead love of my life, then saved a pack of ungrateful wolves, and to top it all off i'm sharing nightmares with nik about your dear old dad!" i raised my voice, then took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair, which was stating to grow past my shoulders. "i'm sorry. it's been hard." i murmured, and hayley rubbed my back comfortingly.

"our father? you're having dreams about him?" elijah directed the question at klaus.

"yes, go on, have a laugh. the demon that haunts me has chosen impeccable timing to do so, and it happens to be that brit was sucked into my latest dream or something as well, seeing as she shared my nightmare last night." he downed half of the bottle he was holding.

"i can assure you i find nothing remotely funny about this, seeing as i've been dreaming of him too." i froze mid swig of my drink, and looked at the two brothers in concern.

"perhaps a certain witch has something to do with all of this." i caught the eye of genevieve, who quickly broke away and looked at klaus instead, who smiled and waved at her.
"hello, bit- witch." i smiled fakely as klaus came up behind her. we were in the voodoo shop instead of the main party now, hoping to corner her, which was a success.

"hi." she turned around quickly, nearly bumping into klaus.

"hello love." he grinned maliciously.

"you disappeared from the party." her voice wavered slightly, and i smirked at her show of fear that she tried to hide.

elijah casually walked into the room, leaving her in between the three of us.

"any reason you have to share as to why you're choosing to plague us with nightmares of mikael, and for some reason bringing brit into it?" he asked, and she looked confused.

"your father? i didn't! i wouldn't!" she sounded genuinely surprised, but i didn't buy it at all.

"ah, sorry. must have mistaken it for the other witch parading around our compound wearing scraps of lace." elijah said bluntly, and i choked on a laugh. he looked at me and winked quickly, and i didn't bother to hide my laugh as genevieve frowned.

"look, genevieve, i know how talented you are with your tongue." i groaned loudly and covered my ears as klaus began speaking again.

"we didn't need to know she gave you good head, nik." i complained. "genevieve dear, what we're trying to say here is you should probably own up and not lie, otherwise i will rip out that oh so talented tongue of yours, so that you may no longer lie." she laughed nervously.

"as much as i enjoy these wrong accusations, i really have nothing to do with this. i can try and find out why, though." she offered nervously, and klaus came up to her, moving her hair out of her face.

"fine. go." he growled, and she started backing away.

"niklaus, don't you dare let her-" elijah protested.

"go!" nik yelled, and the witch ran out of the store. i looked at him in disbelief.

"there's no way you trust that wench!" i spoke heatedly.

"but she certainly wants us to." klaus said.

"let me guess, you get something out of all of this." elijah rolled his eyes as nik smiled.

"i need a witch to make the rings for the wolves. perhaps we'll get answers and assistance." he revealed.

"you are so- ugh!" i threw my hands up in frustration, stalking out the door.

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