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"you know, you have a weird music taste." i commented to davina as we walked around the record shop.

"don't be like that!" she laughed, bumping my shoulder. i spent months growing extremely close with the young witch, to the point where people would see us walking in the street and think we were sisters. the only thing that stopped this fact was that i had dyed my normally dark brown hair red, while davina's stayed the same chocolate colour.

"i'm just saying, i was here when most of this was made, and it doesn't sound any better now than it did then." she rolled her eyes at me after paying.

"it's not for me anyways, you know that."

"yeah, yeah, i know. come on, let's go." we walked towards the door, where we were stopped by oliver walking in with a few of his goons.

"hey there, cutie." he winked at me, and i flipped him off.

"so, i heard you ditched your coven." he turned to davina, who just stared at him, unimpressed. "that other harvest girl, cassie? she's been super helpful."

"she's been using her magic to make you moonlight rings, that's just an alliance." davina snapped back.

"call it what you want, i don't care. anyways, you should probably clear out, things are about to get ugly." oliver warned us, then yelled so the rest of the patrons could hear. "everyone out! store's closed now!"

"hey, what are you doing?" joe asked, stepping out from behind the counter. i realised that his vampire status must've been figured out by the wolves, and i looked at him in alarm.

they began to tussle, but davina quickly yelled.

"no!" she silently cast a pain infliction spell, causing the wolves to fall down.

"joe, get out!" i ordered the old vampire, and he quickly did. "come on davina, let's go." i opened the door, and she stepped over the wolves, walking out.

we parted ways after that, i went back to the compoud and davina said that she was going to the library for homework.

walking back in, i wrinkled my nose at the state of it, all dusty and somber.

"i really hate that it looks like this." hayley's voice came from behind me, and i turned to her, sighing.

"me too. but if we have to play the mourning family, then so be it." i shrugged, going to walk to my room.

"you haven't."


"you haven't." hayley repeated. "i've seen you in the quarter, with davina. you look almost happy again, normal. you haven't been mourning."

"for a month," i started angrily, "for a month, i stayed in this house, trying to comfort nik and eli, who were basically ignoring everyone and everything around them. for a month, i would travel to the bayou a few times a week to see if you wanted company or comfort yet you refused. for a month, i mourned on my own, thinking about all that i could've had with you guys. and after that month? i wanted to try and become happy again. i lost the same as you did that night, hayley. i just didn't let it affect me as much. i went to heal, and i've been healing. it's sort of my thing. lose someone i love, get close to someone else, lose them, start getting close to someone else, the cycle goes on and on! i'm scared it will happen to davina, because she's been a key person in my healing, and if i lose her too, i'm done! so yes hayley, i haven't been morning for the past few months because i've been healing. maybe you should try it too." i snapped. she looked taken aback, and i just stared, angry tears in my eyes. "good day." i stalked back out of the compound, but was quickly stopped by elijah speeding in front of me.

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now