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a day later, klaus told me he had allowed the witches to celebrate a feast, fêtes des bénéditions. i was surprised as to why, but then i realised as i saw the red headed girl walk out of his room, wearing one of his shirts. elijah and i shared a disgusted look, then turned to klaus.

"you're sleeping with that skank? she took davina from me!" i complained loudly, hoping she'd hear what i called her.

"you'll see davina tonight, at the party. go find a nice dress or something." klaus dismissed me with a wave of his hand, and i huffed angrily, walking out of the compound.

"nice dress my ass, i'll make sure everyone will be looking at me." i mutter, before looking for stores.

by the time evening arose, i was all dressed and ready to go. i had found my dress, and i was ready. i walked back to the compound, which looked a bit more well kept, and i whistled impressively.

"who was in charge of this?" i asked the brothers, who stopped when they saw me.

"you are not wearing that

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"you are not wearing that." klaus tried to say, but i laughed.

"oh no, i totally am. i look hot. shall we go?" with a resigned nod, he backed down, and we went to the party. i had brought a beautiful necklace to give to davina, and i was excited to see her again.

after waiting in line for a few minutes, i got ready to give my gift to davina, when i was directed to hand it to another witch.

"no, sorry. this one is for davina." i put it in her hands, and she smiled miserably at me. "why does she have no gifts?" i asked with an angry voice towards genevieve, and she just smiled lightly, turning away.

"i also, have a gift for the witch." klaus announced, and everyone looked surprised.

"i don't want anything from you." she said with venom in her voice, and i tried to hide a laugh.

"yes you do. open it." he said, and she did so, seeing a ring with the daylight spell. "it's for josh. my gift to you is his freedom." klaus cocked his head slightly, and she mumbled her thanks. klaus walked away to a pregnant girl, and i followed quickly. i was excited to meet her.

"are you really trying to go behind elijah's back?" i heard her ask as i made my way over. "if i find out you're trying to manipulate me-" at this point, i reached klaus' side, causing her to stop talking. "who are you?" she asked with a guarded expression, and klaus smiled.

"brit! i was going to introduce you to hayley soon, but there's no harm in doing it sooner. hayley, this is practically my sister, brit kaldottir. she's like a sibling to all of us mikaelsons here in new orleans." klaus introduced.

"lovely to meet you hayley. trust me when i say i'm beyond excited for klaus to become a father." i smiled, and she shook my hand, still a bit wary.

as we finished our introduction, a bunch of drummers came in.

"happy fêtes de bénédictions. we have a message from marcel gerard." the main drummer yelled, causing everyone to quietly murmur. all synchronized, the drummers lifted up razors, slicing their palms open. the smell of blood wafted through the air, causing all vampires in the vicinity to snarl. the veins popped out from under my eyes as well, but i resisted.

"hayley, i'm getting you out of here, hold on." with ease, i lifted her up and sped out the back door as the lights shut off.

"how did you resist all that blood?" hayley asked as we waited outside.

"i've never had extremely violent tendencies, and when i was first turned into a vampire, i quickly controlled myself to never kill a human. i only drank from animals. as the times went on, i continued that until blood bags became a thing. even then, i'd try to limit myself. i don't like killing." i shrugged.

"you've never killed a human before? ever?" she asked, and i confirmed.

"let's go back in, i heard elijah call for you." i said, and she blushed a light pink. walking back through the door, i gazed at the bloody message written on the wall.

"there will be no peace." i read out.

"brit, will you come with me? i need to make a visit to a certain somebody." elijah requested after he came back into the room.

"yeah, of course. who?" i asked.


"what do you need me to do?"

he explained quickly what was going to happen as we ran to an old warehouse. i heard two voices inside as i slammed the doors open with my magic, elijah rushing in ahead of me. he threw the other vampire, thierry, at the wall.

"i warned you." he seethed at marcel, who looked at him cockily.

"what are you gonna do, kill me?" he joked, and my eyes narrowed as i sent a wave of pain to his head.

"don't talk to him like that." i said angrily.

"and are you his girlfriend now, brit? sleep with the first original you saw again?" i yelled out in anger, snapping all the bones in his legs.

"say something like that again and elijah won't be the one doing the killing." i hissed with unbridled rage, still sending pain into his head. "you have no idea-"

"brit. look at me." elijah sped in front of me. "calm down." i took a few breaths, and relented.

"fine. go on." i gestured, and elijah turned around just as thierry jumped at him, sinking his hand into the vampire's chest. i stared at marcel as elijah ripped out thierry's heart, smirking as i saw the pain in his eyes.

"for your violation." elijah simply said, dropping the heart. "remember that, and know how easily it could be you next." he turned to walk out, and i shot a slightly regretful look at the carcass now that my anger had ceased. shaking my head, i followed elijah out.

"i'm going home. goodnight."

"look, brit, what he said-"

"i don't care." my tone was cold. "goodnight, elijah." without looking back, i sped back to my apartment.

after closing the door behind me, i sighed deeply, relaxing my tense muscles. i went to my dresser, where i had a locked drawer. opening it, i took out the beautiful container i made almost a year ago, holding it.

"i miss you so much kol." i whispered brokenly.

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now