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"you were dating an original?" davina sounded angry when she asked me, and i just nodded.

"things were different when we were human. we were both witches, both admired art, and we trusted each other with everything. of course, all of that changed once we were turned into vampires." i continued on with my story.

"so he sired you after he became a vampire?" i shook my head. "then who did sire you? one of the other originals?"

"davina, i'm going to reveal to you something that nearly nobody in this town knows." i leaned in a bit, and spoke quietly. "i am an original."

"what?" the younger girl yelled, and i shushed her.

"i'm not a mikaelson, but like i said, i knew them all while i was human. and i was close enough to them that esther decided to turn me as well. the reason i can still do magic is because i was a siphoner witch, meaning i siphoned from magical sources since i didn't have any magic of my own. now, i can constantly siphon magic from myself, an original vampire. mix that with an original witch, and there's me. the original heretic." i fully explained, and she sat back, processing it all. her phone rang, and i knew that it was marcel calling her. "you take that, i need a few minutes to think about how to tell you the next part anyways." i say, and she nods, walking away.

"everyone! we're closing for a private party, clear out!" a man started yelling, and i stood up, confused.

"excuse me?" i turned to see kaleb looking at me, and my face hardened.

"what do you want?" i asked coldly.

"oh, um, i was just wondering if you knew anything about this party." he stammered and i rolled my eyes.

"even if i did know, i don't have much interest in telling you." i snapped. davina came back in, and when she saw me talking to kaleb, she ran over.

"hey! what's going on?"

"some dude said a private party is happening, and that we need to clear out." kaleb shrugged. i sniffed the air, and looked around, alarmed.

"we need to go, now." i said seriously, and grabbed davina's hand, rushing for the door.

"slow down sweetheart! what's your rush?" a werewolf asked, and i growled.

"don't call me sweetheart, and get out of my way." when he didn't, davina cast a pain spell to his head, but all the other werewolves surrounded us.

"any chance you can do that to all of them?" kaleb whispered to davina, who shook her head.

"not all at once." she muttered back.

"but i can, quite easily. back away, last warning." i threaten, but all the werewolves move at once, catching us off guard. davina was shoved to one side of the room, i got thrown into a chair, and kaleb landed behind the counter. i struggled to pull the wood out of my chest as the wolves descended on davina.

"stay away from her!" i screamed as she chanted a spell, twisting a bracelet on her wrist.

"jwen mwen vennez ça maintenant!"

i pulled the last of the wood out of my stomach, but before i could run over to help davina, a vampire sped into the room, throwing the wolves around and killing them.

"you filthy dogs." he hissed angrily, and my heart dropped to my stomach. i ran behind the counter before he could see me, temporarily forgetting about kaleb as i peeked over, watching the fight. davina's bracelet came off, and i screamed as mikael picked her up, speeding out of the store. abandoning the fear i had, i sped after them and grabbed davina at the same time elijah showed up out of nowhere, pulling mikael away from davina.

"you." elijah whispered in shock as he got a proper look at his fathers face, and mikael grinned maliciously.

"hello son. i'd hoped to see your brother first, but of course, we have unfinished business as well." the two began to fight, and i quickly pushed davina into marcel's arm and used my magic against mikael.

"motus!" he flew back, but quickly was back on his feet. elijah jumped for him but mikael was faster, snapping his neck, and turning back towards me. before i could react, he choked me and held the white oak stake to my chest, beginning to impale me. i let out a strangled scream.

"stop! now!" davina commanded, bracelet safely latched onto her wrist again. "go back." with an angry growl, mikael sped off, and i looked at davina with nothing but disappointment.

"last bit of my story? i'm an original too, and apparently, you possess not only a killing machine, but the very thing that could kill me." i sighed. marcel shared my disappointed look. with no reply, she shook her head at us and walked away. i looked back at the damage at rousseau's, and saw kaleb standing up warily from behind the counter.

"something to say?" i ask as elijah began to stir from the ground.

"not me, no. not a bloody thing." i helped elijah up, and gave kaleb one last side eye before we made our way back to the compound.

"i just can't believe he's actually back." i muttered to elijah as we made our way inside. he shrugged in a somewhat fearful silence, and we walked down to the wine cellar, where i heard nik.

"it's worse than i thought." nik stated the second we walked in, to bust trying to get out his rant to see that we were both shocked and scared. "i spoke to that witch, cassie. i saw the hatred in her eyes. she's not just guided by our mother, she IS our mother!" he drank some wine as i looked at him, even more afraid.

"what is happening?" elijah asked in pure shock.

"i will kill her! i will boil her and feed her bones to the dogs-"

"nik.." i tried to interrupt.

"what? what could possibly be more important than the return of our mother?" he snapped.

"your father." i finally said, causing him to still.

"in the flesh he stood, we saw him. he holds the stake and is enslaved by some spell cast by davina. if she chooses to release him..." elijah trailed off, and klaus properly looked at us, seeing our shaken states.

"well then, i guess there's only one question to ask. which of our newly resurrected parents do we kill first?

the original heretic book 2 -ON HOLD as of 22/4/21-Where stories live. Discover now