1: Converse boots

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Darkness. Pitch black with just my thoughts and peacefulness. A sudden sharp pain on the back of my head sending it forward and a bright flash of light. I open my eyes and glance to my right, out of the tunnel and back on track.

It was a bumpy ride, hence my head banging against the wall when I leant on it. The train was warm enough and my eyes adjusted to the sudden flash of daylight. The window was surprisingly clean thinking about how many kids had probably done this journey back and fourth. Some in first year at only 11 doing it by themselves and here I was in 6th year nervous to do this for the first time. I knew I'd be the only new kid in 6th year and everyone would already have their clicks and friendships making it that much harder to fit in. It wasn't exactly my fault though. I mean maybe if my mother would have liked to explain the whole 'witch' thing before than this wouldn't be the case. "Witch pfffftt" I said sniggering. I giggle to myself knowing how weird it was to say, let alone think.

I stared down at my brand new white converse boots. It's stupid really, buying a 'new' pair for a 'new' school. I mean if they really are all wizardy and stuff, they're not exactly gonna know about brands are they? Who cares what type of shoes I had. I said this to mum before she didn't listen, obviously. I shouldn't complain really, it was a nice thing to do, though a nicer thing to do would have been something like telling me I have powers at a younger age and not hiding it from me all these years.

A piece of hair fell into my face and I hesitantly push it back, not wanting to mess it up too much. Ok so I curled my hair, I mean I have to make at least a little bit of an impression right? I guess it's better than looking awkward and flat like I usually do, a bit of volume never hurt anyone.

We must be nearly there now It's been hours, or at least what felt like hours. Looking out of the window it was almost dark now. though a large contrast to the pitch black tunnels, the stars started to peak through the darkening sky. Being on such a high track made me partially nervous and all these thoughts popped into my head. AH, overthinking again how fun. The muffled sounds of shouting and excited first years was blocked by the sliding glass doors. God forbid someone came and sat next to me, especially an 11 year old. The train was slowing down but I knew we wouldn't stop here. Directly over the top of a large lake with what seemed like clear waters, but the further you'd look out, the less confident I was with that statement. For a while it was just green mountains, a different view from back home but nothing too exciting for me. A new scenery should bring hope and exciting new prosperities, but all I was thinking about was all the things that could go wrong today.

The train came to a halt and I, once again, hit my head on the wall behind where I was sitting. That shit hurt. a sudden rush of children went past my door all in the same direction. I waited until it was quiet as to slip out from the carriage struggling to hold my luggage and heave it along. It was eerie  quiet the train was, almost as if you could feel very atom on your skin dancing around in the air. It was kind of gross really. It smelt of well, kids I guess. walking down the isle's there were so many rubbish wrappers on the floor it was a joke. spillages of some weird looking fizzy drink, lord help whoever's in charge of cleaning this train. I guess it should be easy though, surely there's a 'spell' or something for this type of stuff. I got to the exit and a cold breeze hit me as the doors opened. the wind blew through my hair, so much for the curliness I guess. lugging off my suitcases was great and they definitely didn't fall over the ground. I tried to take a deep breath but was startled by a large rumble of a voice.

"First years follow down the path to the boats!"

My first thought hearing the booming voice was pirate. It's not too far fetched I mean I am a witch. I looked up, and up and up, to see a largely hairy man with a voice that could be heard from here to back home. He looked sort of lost in the sense that he had large baggy clothing and tangled hair. He wasn't fully facing me but when he did I hope he didn't notice the face I pulled.

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