2: My Favourite position

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Ok breath. They're all looking and that's a shit done of people. I did not expect this. I started to walk up to the front, staring at the stony pebble floor. All I could think was 'don't fall, Jesus Christ please don't fall over'. I was now focused on my boots and where I placed my feet. Wait no don't focus on your walking now you look weird.

"Stand up straight" my mothers voice echoed in my head. Too many thoughts run through my head. take a breath, take a moment. I stood up straight fixing my posture and lifted my head in a confident stride as I neared the headteacher. Taking confidence in my appearance and pretended like they weren't all looking in judgement.

As I lifted my head, my eyes met immediately with a pair of light brown ones. Slightly to the left of me as I avoided making awkward eye contact with Dumbledore as if he was about to knight me or something. Bright ginger hair flooded my eyes and the body it was attached to got larger as I got closer. Ok I must be dreaming because next to him was another one, another him. the one behind stared with his mouth gaped open, equally as bright hair and pretty eyes. he nudged his other self as to get him to see me, which he didn't need to do as he already was. The slightly bulkier one looked me up and down and smirked slightly. I blushed profusely. Shit, that's embarrassing. sitting with his back against the table, his right elbow resting on it. his other hand sat in his lap as his leg was slightly straightened out. He flicked his peculiarly long hair but never took his eyes off me and I was slightly intimidated. I swiftly widened my eyes and removed eye contact feeling my cheeks warm with embarrassment but didn't hide a slight smirk as I looked at the second ginger and walked past. Oh god how long did I just stare, it felt like a good 5 minutes.

Straight into the eyes of the next. Another boy leaned forward in a different type of uniform held together by black string and tied together. Different shades of yellow and orange that this whole row of wizards and witches seemed to have in common. he had his tongue in his cheek and looked directly at my eyes when he felt me looking at him. Nope. I removed my eyes straight away, not having another staring ordeal besides, I could exam everyone later I thought as I climbed a few steps and met a wizard.

Sweet looking, but wise. I could tell by his cliché beard. do all the Professors have to look like they just stepped out of a children's book or something? His robe draped all the way down and past his feet, I made sure I didn't step on it. I avoided eye contact after a brief smile and looked side on as I couldn't face the sight of the whole hall looking at me.

As if there couldn't be more strange looking people, I mean London can be weird but this is a wizard school for one. A black figure hindered the corner of my right eye. I swallowed my bottom lip when I met a pair of dark eyes shaped with long black hair that looked as if he either uses it as a tissue or needs a wash. I was overcome with a wave of tension and something else I couldn't explain. it made me feel some type of way but I had to look away I couldn't take it. I gulped as he was staring back too, hand to his mouth, all dressed in black like he's making some sort of show, and looking as if thoughts were rushing through his head. Luckily this only took a minute as I chimed back in to the older man gesturing at me.

"Would you like to take a seat Miss y/l/n" He said as he gestured to a wooden stool behind us.

"Thankyou" I replied and moved back sitting upon it.

I had no choice now but to look forward. I took a deep breath and welcomed a sea of colours. more orange and yellow towards the left and blue and green as you went down the rows to the right. For some reason, whether it be the facial expressions or warmth, the left side seemed more welcoming. A brown haired girl scowled at me and I opened my eyes wide and looked away in confusion. Ok, she's clearly seen something she doesn't like. No, don't put yourself down, you're beautiful she's jealous. I fixed my skirt and crossed my legs, god forbid I flash hundreds of people in the first half an hour.

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