6: New and pretty

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I woke up by the sound of an alarm and was tempted to ignore it for the third time when I remembered my situation. Your in your uniform love, get up.

So looking in the mirror was tragic at this point, I just avoided it. I stripped and got in the shower attempting to figure out how to turn it on and drenching myself with freezing cold water in the process. Great, I wasn't meant to get my hair wet because I do not have the effort or time to wash it. I pulled it back and washed my face and body with two products I pulled out of my bag. I was uncomfortable and In a new space so walked on my tip toes for the majority of my wash.

After standing for another 5 minutes procrastinating I turned the shower off and got out.

Oh for gods sake I don't have a fucking towel.

Um what am I supposed to do freeze here? I made my way back into my room and used my duvet, it was the closest thing. I then proceeded to pick up my bags and pull out clean underwear and look for my wash bag. Here I am late and not being able to find my toothbrush, makeup or deodorant let alone even know where I'm going.
I had planned my first day mentally and all the things I'd bring to lessons and prepare, yeh that was out the window.

Anyway getting back into my uniform and finding clean tights was an issue for about 5 minutes. I did up my blue and purple tie and stared into the mirror with a creased shirt deciding what to do with myself.

I so nearly said fuck it and jumped back into bed when there was a knock at the door.

As I approached I heard some mumbling and slowly opened it hoping to get a look of the culprit before they saw me.

I was met by a contrast of deep brown and platinum blonde hair.

Cho and Luna. I opened the door fully and smiled at them.

"Hi y/n" Cho smiled. "We were wondering if you wanted to join us for breakfast, we're heading off now"

"Are you ok?" Luna asked tilting her head to the side and looking me up and down.

I'm guessing it was a Luna way of saying I look a mess, she's not wrong.

"Yeh I'm fine thanks, I'm still getting ready though um, you two head out I don't want to keep you".

"Ok, do you know where you're going?" Asked Cho.

"Yeh yeh, Hermione showed me yesterday. Thanks guys"

"No problem" Luna smiled and turned away.

Cho seemed surprised she left with no hesitation as if I wasn't alright but she quickly shot me a smile and followed after her, her straight glossy hair trailing down her back. I can tell you mine didn't look like that.

I shut the door and leaned against it taking a breath.

Right. Makeup.

I threw on some moisturiser, curled my lashes adding mascara and some concealer. And bronzer, and powder and lip stuff and eyeliner and...wow clown.

Yeh no.

I wiped it all off and was getting frustrated. I stuck to concealer and mascara with some lip product. Luckily my skin wasn't too broken out but I hadn't noticed, thanks skin gods.

In terms of hair, I brushed it, whacked on some dry shampoo and put it up in a messy bun which really was, well messy.

After I had brushed my teeth and added my boots and my robe I stood a bit more. The uniform isn't that bad, at-least it's dark colours and the hint of blue did suit me. So I didn't look terribly. I gave myself a smile and took a deep breath.

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