9: Regain composure

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"This is such a strange event as we've never seen this before y/n" Dumbledore started.

"Do we know what could have caused this? Who are her family?" He directed at McGonnagall as he sat comfortably in his desk chair.

Professor McGonnagall looked at me and back at him, bracing herself to speak.

Great, this is where I find out I'm adopted and originated from mermaids or some shit.

"I was the one who informed her mother to tell her the truth about her witchcraft, and how she should know the truth" she started.

"You know my mum?"

"Yes, for many years. She was a student of mine, a great witch and we stayed in contact when she left as she had problems with her family. When she got pregnant she decided she wanted you to have a 'normal' muggle life and shielded you from your possible magic".

They both stared at me as if expecting for me to say something.

"What do you know miss y/l/n?" Asked Dumbledore.

"My mum just said she was sorry for hiding it from me for so long. I never knew much about her childhood or school days, but then she showed me photos. At first I thought it was just a posh secret boarding school she was sent off to, but then she went into more detail"

"And her father, a muggle?" He asked McGonnagall.

"Yes. They met when she left school"

Silence. Dumbledore was deep in thought.

"Well in truth, I have no idea what could have caused this. Miss y/l/n, you wouldn't mind if we conducted a few tests would you?"

Oh great so I really am a science project now then.

"Uh um, yeh Uh sure I guess".

He looked to McGonnagall who looked scared, for me... how encouraging.

As I followed Dumbledore over he instructed me to stand in a place and not move. We were interrupted by yet another knock on the door and Snape came back in giving me a quick side eye glance before going up to the headmaster.

"You asked for me sir" he said in his monotone voice.

"We're testing the capability of miss y/l/n's defence. I'd like to start with an occlumency test"

"Occlumency?" I questioned.

Snape turned dramatically slowly on his heels and got closer to me as my body tensed up in defence of his presence.

"I will attempt to penetrate your mind. To see your thoughts and memories from life. Do not try to fight it, just stand still. Maybe we can find some answers to your... uniqueness" he said in parentheses.

Ah shit he's gonna see everything I've been thinking? Wait he can do that? Has he already done it and that's why he's been looking at me so weird?

It wasn't long until he whipped out his wand and mumbled something I couldn't make out. The mood in the room changed dramatically, though I didn't think it could be anymore tense. Snape looked intensely into my eyes as well as Dumbledore's face morphing into more inquisitive and matching McGonnagall's.

Snape dropped his arm and lowered his eyeline turning to face Dumbledore.

"Anything?" Dumbledore sighed.

"Nothing" Snape blinked.

Oh thank god. Yeh that was an invasion of privacy anyway.

"Ok, excuse me Professor Snape" Snape moved out of the way and walked towards me.
"Miss y/l/n, for your sake I hope this doesn't affect you" he said sympathetically.

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