7: Impossible

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Ok so I don't feel as dumb now. I'm not exactly Dumbledore but McGonnagl taught me a few things, well basics, when I comes to using a wand. I mean they're not perfect, but I guess I get the hand movements and a few little defensive mechanisms going into DADA so that's good.

"Ahhh look who it is" I heard as I stepped out of the classroom.

"Ugh what Malfoy" I scoffed.

"Well that's no way to speak to a new friend" He said.

What in the name of god is he trying to achieve, I hardly think we had a traditional introduction.

"Friend?" I laughed rolling my eyes as I looked him and his 'pose' up and down.

"Well a friend would show you to your defensive against the dark arts classroom wouldn't they?" He added that annoying smirk and raised eyebrow which ruined the promising sentence.

"How do you know I have that lesson?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Ahh see a wizard never tells" he said stepping closer to me as our bodies nearly touched.

"Shove off Malfoy" I turned around to find two large fiery red heads.

"No need to be rude Weasley's I'm sure she's got time for both of you" Draco scoffed and directed a glare towards Fred and George before turning and heading in the opposite direction laughing with his pissy little 'gang'.

My face was red. Did he just insinuate something? Cause first of all I'm not a slut and second-


I spun around and clicked out of my trance facing the boys.

"Are you ok?" George said.

"Oh yeh fine" I gulped. "He's an ass, I just um, I don't know where I'm going" I laughed awkwardly. Ew wtf embarrassing.

"You've got defended against the dark arts" Fred stated.

"Yeh, how does everyone know this haha?"

"DADA and wand duelling has become a regular thing for 4th years up altogether twice a week because of the recent, 'threats'". Fred said.

"Yeh and the younger years do it different days"Added George.

"Oh so you two are joining me then" I smiled.

"Yeh I guess, cmon" Fred said walking in the direction Draco had.

George lingered and smiled at me waiting as I started to walk and he followed behind.

We turned down two corridors to meet a line of students involving Hermione, Harry and Ron already present.

"Y/n! You made it I wasn't sure you'd find your way" Hermione said with a smile.

"I wouldn't have if it wasn't for Fred and George" I answered.

Hermione looked closely at me and back at the twins and then me again. I could tell because her eyes kept going up and down.

"Hmmmmm" she said. "Well done boys" she smirked at George who must of made some sort of face to make her laugh in response.

I turned to him and he brushed past my shoulder at the same time causing me to apologise and him talk to the boys in front of me. I felt his hand on my back as he made my way past and I could tell it was written all over the colour in my face.

I briefly listened to Hermione lecture Harry and Ron about making fun of Snape when I felt someone watching me.

I turned behind to see a gaggle of friends and one taller fair brunette with floppy hair smile at me. The most beautiful and kind and welcoming smile you've ever seen, almost enchanting. He started to smile with his teeth, turning into a laugh turning back to his friends as he tried to naturally hide his blush when I smiled back, but it was nothing compared to his.

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